Chapter 15

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Mengrui quickly got up and walked out his face was dark and his eyes where angry

Shuanghui gets up "what"

"breakfast is ready Ayi was wondering what was taking so long so I thought I'd come help, never expected you to be cuddling" Juanshou smirked and walked out

Shuanghui frowned "we wasn't cuddling I was askig him something" he grumbled following his brother

Mengrui sat down at the table next to his ma, Kaihan sat the other side of Kong Meirong,

Juanshou sat next to his brother whispering about what he just saw

Shuanghui sat down and sighed and looked at Mengrui "sorry"

Mengrui shoots him a death glare and starts eating

Kong Meirong looked at the Li twins whispering to one another "whats going on?"

Mengrui and Shuanghui both look at the twins and quickly answered for them "nothing to worry about"

the Li twins couldn't help but laugh and Kong Meirong just looks around confused

Mengrui gets up not eating much and headed up stairs

"where are you going" Kong Meirong asks

Mengrui looked at her "no where, I'll come back in a minute Xing needs feeding to" he then walks up and gets Xing from his bedroom and carries him back down, a small white ball of fluff curled up in his arms

Kaihan walks over "aww thats so cute" pets Xing gently on the head

Mengrui smiled and put Xing down and filled his food bowl up, before going back to eating

Juanshou looked at Shuanghui and tapped his chopsticks onto the table "ah Didi, pa signed his shares over to you, Ma made him after we told her what had happened, we will tell you everything that needs to be sorted and how you can do it before we leave tomorrow"

Kong Meirong looked at the twins "leaving? where you going?"

Kaihan smiled "we have to go back north, Juanshou wife and kids is waiting for his return and so is my wife"

Mengrui looked at them "you're both married?"

Juanshou laughed a little "yeah we got married on the same day, we usually do everything together but he's yet to have a child"

Kaihan grumbped a bit "thats not completely my fault, besides we don't have to do everything together

Mengrui chuckled slightly watching them as Meirong smiled "thats cute you both doing things together"

Shuanghui was watching Xing trying to avoid contact with the dog after it came over to him

Mengrui looked at him "what are you doing, he wont hurt you" he says picking Xing up

Shuanghui frowned "I..." there was a knock at the door as Shuanghui was about to speak and Mengrui got up to answer it since his ma was cleaning the table.

Tang and Dong where both at the door glasrig at each other as the door opened

"Dong ge" Mengrui smiled, then his face darkened as he stared at Tang "who are you"

Tang looked at Mengrui "you should smile more, it's cuter, I came to see if Shuanghui was still here, his brothers came to mine looking for him but he didn't show up

Dongs face darkened "why would that punk be here"

Tang points to the motorbike "thats his, so tell me where he is if his bike is here and he isnt"

Shuanghui walked up behind Mengrui "don't argue here, why did you come here"

Tang looked at shuanghui "Li ge, you had me worried when you didnt come back I thought you went and got drunk again..."

"wheres my phone"

Juanshou was helping Kong Meirong clean up as Kaihan shouted over "we got it"

Mengrui sighed and moved aside "you might aswell come in, whats another 2 visitors"

Dong walks in petting Xing and walked straight to the kitchen walking straight past Kaihan, "Kong Ma, good morning" he froze for a moment seeing Juanshou and looked back "ah right I almost forgot theres 2 of you"

Juanshou laughed a bit "thats normal"

Mengrui shut the door after Tang walked in, Tang looked at Xing then at Shuanghui "aren't you allergic to dogs"

Mengrui looked at Tang "allergic?"

Tang smiled "he has this allergy that if a dog licks him he bloats up like a balloon"

Shuanghui hits Tang over the head "shut up" as he spoke Mengrui covered his mouth trying not to laugh, Shuanghui sighed "don't laugh, since you have yet to take your medication

Mengrui face instantly lost the smile and darkened he walked away from Shuanghui

Tang watched amused "what did you do to him"

Kaihan hooked his arm around Tang and whispered in his ear "he hugged him when Mengrui went to get him up gege walked in on them they where cuddling "

Shuanghui pushed Tang away from Kaihan "don't listen to him it's not true"

Tang was tryig not to move away "you mean he actually slept and didn't try to beat him up for waking him"

Mengrui put Xing down and jumped on Dong's back mubling in complaint "gege to many people"

Dong smiled and spun around and laughed "want to run away and hide?"

Meirong looked at them "He's not hiding away this time"

"yes Ma" they both say together

Juanshou smiled "you call Ayi Ma to, may I" he said jokingly

Mengrui looked at Juanshou "why would you call her Ma?"

Kaihan smirked at the door way "we are family after all"

Tang walks over "morning Ayi, I'm Tang Kuanwo, nice to meet you"

Juanshou laughed a little, "Ayi why dont you take everyone to sit down, I'll finish cleaning for you"

Kaihan put his hands on her shoulders and led Kong Meirong out of the kitchen as she tried to refuse to leave a guest cleaning.

Dong went to follow but stopped as Shuanghui pulled Mengrui off his back and dragged him into the kitchen, Dong went to get Mengrui back as Tang stopped him "ah, leave them be he wont get hurt"

Mengrui struggled in Shuanghui hold "let me go"

Shuanghui ignored him and got a glass of water "either you take it willingly or I'll make you again"

Juanshou shook his head "be a little more gentle"

Dong pushed Tang out of the way and walked in, Mengrui frowned and took the medication and water from him mumbling

Tang shrugged and followed after Kaihan and Meirong "you have a nice ace Ayi"

Shuanghui took the cup back after making sure Mengrui swollowed the tablet and dong pulled him away "don't touch him" he said in an angry voice

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