Chapter 30

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Mengrui froze up in shock before punching Shuanghui in the chest, he covered his mouth blushing

Shuanghui rubbed his chest where Mengrui punched, it didn't hurt since Mengrui wasn't that strong, he picked up the chopsticks "sorry"

Mengrui didn't say anything and just stared at the floor, his face red

Shuanghui put the bowl and chopsticks on the side and walked out of the room, and went downstairs, he looked back towards the stairs then at everyone on the table


Tang stood up worried "what did you do"

"probably something bad" he then walked into the kitchen

Kaihan went to run upstairs but Juanshou beat him to it and tang stopped Kaihan "let Juanshou handle it"

Juanshou walked into the bedroom to see Mengrui who was lightly biting his lip with a flushed face, he let out a sigh of relief "you alright"

Mengrui looked at Juanshou "No... he...he just..."

Juanshou shut the door "he kissed you?"

Mengrui nodded his face going more red

Juanshou laughed a little "then what"

"I punched him...."

Juanshou raised an eyebrow "you punched him....why?"

Mengrui stared in thought for a moment "i don't know"

"not angry with him?"

Mengrui expression changed to a bit confused before shaking his head

Shuanghui walked through carrying a bowel of soup

Tang watched "whats that"

Shuanghui looked at him and smiled "soup, I may not be good at most thigs but I can cook, and he liked this soup, even when half asleep"

Tang points at him "when did you give him that"

Meirong smiled "was that when you stayed over and after leaving your phone"

Kaihan looked over "ah when me and Juanshou went back home a while back, we rang to find out where he was and Mengrui answered"

Tang looked at them both "then! Shuanghui you said you was staying at a hotel"

Shuanghui grinned with guilt "I was going to, but.... I'll explain later" he heads upstairs avoiding anymore questions

Juanshou smiled at Mengrui and hummed softly "Accept it, you love him"

Mengrui stared blankly at Juanshou "I dont hate him, I know that much"

Juanshou opened the door "you heard that, he doesn't hate you so thats a good thing"

Shuanghui frowned "get out"

Juanshou walked out and went downstairs

Mengrui looked at Shuanghui then looked away

Shuanghui sat down next to Mengrui "eat, I made you some soup"

Mengrui looked at the bowel "soup?"

Shuanghui nodded and scooped some on the spoon and held it out to him "yeah, the spicey one"

Mengrui blinked taking the spoon from Shuanghui, drinking the soup off the spoon

Shuanghui smiled and watched as he got another spoon of it, on the thirsd spoon he held it up to Shuanghui, he smiled and drank the soup

Mengrui smiled and and drank some more "you.... your father was wrong"

Shuanghui hummed "about what"

Mengrui looked down "about you... being a useless husband..."

Shuanghui smiled lightly "don't let what he says bother you, drink the soup"

"you drink some to" he says lifting the spoon up to Shuanghui

Shuanghui takes the spoon from Mengrui "it feels awkward for you to feed me..." he drinks the soup and feeds it to Mengrui

Tang walks into the room as Shuanghui was feeding Mengrui, Shuanghui glared at Tang "you forget how to know"

Tang stared at the sight infront of him "did you sleep with him"

Mengrui looked at tang "What!"

Shuanghui's eyes widened "THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU GET OUT!

Tang shook his head "did you sleep with him"

Mengrui looked at them both "that depends on what you mean by that"

Shuanghui looked at Mengrui "he has a filthy mind, I'm sure you can figure out what he means"

Mengrui face went red

Kaihan grabbed Tang "you cant just ask that"

Shuanghui sighed "why are you asking that anyways"

Tang looked at Kaihan then at Shuanghui "they told me you did"

Mengrui laughed a bit "we slept together meaning we fell asleep in the same bed, that's what they meant"

Tang stared " a bed, he's a very dirty man, and you fell asleep next to him"

Shuanghui throws a pillow at him hissing inwardly "get out"

Mengrui nodded "he is dirty, even Xiao Xing agrees, but he is a confy thing to cuddle.... least Xiao Xing thinks, both times he was curled up on him"

Tang and Kaihan blinked "both times?"

Shuanghui scratched his head and hummed "yeah both times, once at his when I forgot my phone and he was to tired to find it so I waited and ended up falling asleep.... and last night, when 2 idiots decided to scare him by kidnapping him"

Tang and Kaihan laughed worriedly "about that, it was his idea" pointing at each other"

Mengrui Stroked Xing as he barked "you should just punish both of them, since they both did it"

Shuanghui cracked his knuckle "yeah your right" he smirked and looked at Kaihan and Tang "who's first"

Kaihan pushed Tang forward and ran downstairs

Tang laughed nervously and backed away "hahaha I'll leave the happy couple alone" he shuts the door

Mengrui laughed watching them panick

Shuanghui looked at him and smiled "thats the first time I seen you laugh properly"

Mengrui looked at him and smiled "sorry... about punching you"

Shuanghui shook his head "don't be, it was my own fault"

Mengrui shook his head "I... just wasn't expecting you to kiss me... another man"

Shuanghui smiled with a slight laugh "I never thought I'd kiss another man, but you was just to cute, like you are right now"

Mengrui blushed and looked away "i'm not cute"

Shuanghui lay back and looked up at the ceiling and hummed

Xing climbed onto Shuanghui and curled up, his tail wagging, Mengrui smiled and stroked Xing "he likes you"

Shuanghui looked at Mengrui "do you?"

Mengrui didn't say anything and just stroked Xing, his cheeks where slightly red

Shuanghui grabbed Mengrui's arm and pulled him down beside him, he cupped Mengrui's chin and made him look at him "do you like me?"

Mengrui stared at him for a moment. ...."I don't hate you"

Shuanghui smiled "thats something" he pulled Mengrui closer "can i kiss you....again?"

The blind marriageOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora