Chapter 7

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Dianfa had managed to calm Mengrui down, he was still in a bit of shock but not as bad

"How does she know I'm married" Mengrui said his voice a bit shaky "the only one I told was you"

"maybe your dad told her"

"He's not that stupid, he wont go around telling anyone, I doubt he has even told ma yet"

Dong Dianfa eyes opened wide "you haven't told her yet, are you crazy"

"I don't even know who I married, to tell her that is more painful for the both of us, I guess after the meet up it would be ok" Mengrui got up of the seat and headed off Dong Dianfa following closely behind, his buddy was clearly troubled and tried to figure out ways to cheer him up.

"how about we go for a party" Dianfa suggested

"a party?" Mengrui a little confused "do you know any party going on? since when have you been intrested in that kind of thing"

Dianfa hooks his arm over Mengrui neck and smiled "i'm not but it might help you get your mind off things" he says as he pinches Mengrui's cheek "I moss that smile of yours"

Mengrui sighed nudging Dianfa slightly "ah fine but let me check on Xing first"

Dianfa pinches Mengrui's cheeks again "you and that dog"

they both headed out to the Kong household


Shuanghui had his head leaned back on Tangs couch as Tang put a cold beer against his face "here, have a drink"

Shuanghui grumbled "I can't drive if I drink"

"light ass" Tang says teasingly "I'll drink for ya"

"I want to see him"

Tang looks at him a bit confused "who"

"who do you think moron, the damn kid"

Tang a bit surprised "what you going to go find him again?"

Shuanghui darted a glare at Tang Kuanwo "No he was to far away so I didn't see what he looks like, Show me his damn picture" he growls flicking Tangs head

Tang frowns at the flick and goes and grabs his laptop with the picture of Mengrui, Placing it down on the table infront of Shuanghui "see pretty boy right"

Shuanghui sat up and looked at the picture, he stayed silent for sometime, Tang clicking his fingers to get Shuanghui attention "well?"

Shuanghui looked at Tang "Pretty maybe, the problem is that kid is still a guy, a man, No JUST A BOY!"

Tang flinched and smiled "haha... you're right, maybe you should find out why he agreed to this marriage, an only son marrying anothee man, either they owed you Laotou big time or they where forced"

Shuanghui kicked the table almost knocking the laptop and drinks off, he got up and went home, once again locking himself in his room.

Tang had smirked after he left talkig to himself "haha you married him, yesterday you didn't hesitate to get drunk, but after seeing this guy dispite how troubled you are you didn't drink even a drop of beer, maybe being married to someone you don't know already changed you buddy"


"Ma I'll stay at Dianfa's home tonight, I'll be home tomorrow"

Dong Dianfa and Kong Mengrui set out to have a little fun and to take Mengrui's mind off things

Kong Aixian and Li Baotian had sent of the wedding papers for the marriage to be official, and they where talking about how they was going to have the 2 families meet in the next week.

In addition to meeting next week they agreed on merging the buisnesses together and and having both parties 50/50 to the costs and finance work, they where also not to speak to anyone about this either, Li Baotian was very certain he wanted no one else to know.


for the next week Li Baotian and Kong Aixian had been meeting and talking about the company merging and the marriage meeting

Kong Mengrui had spent most of the week at Dong Dianfa's home in the hope of not currently wanting to see his father but came home during work hours to see his Xiao Xing and Mother Li between going from college to work.

Li Shuanghui had often got on his motorbike and headed to the college, he was also trying to figure out why this kid would agree to such a marriage but dared not to approach. however he did almost get caught as Dianfa had pointed out the man on the bike had recently been showing up, causing Shuanghui not to show up for the last 2 days of the week


Li Baotian has told his wife that today she was going to meet the family of her sons marriage partner so she was happy to agree to going, however both Li Baotian and Shuanghui where debating on if this was a good idea knowing Mother Li's rage.

Kong Aixian had told his wife that they where to have a meal with a friend, she was very reluctant to going, so Kong went to Mengrui for help, Mengrui not wanting to talk to his father pretty much blanked him but helpped anyways, asking his mother to join for this meal as there is someone there he would like her to meet, he eyes shined pleased at her sons wishes soon enough agreeing to the meal out.

Mengrui kept a kind warm smile infront of his mother but the moment his back turned to her he gave his dad a dark glare, before whispering "you should have told her, if not who then at least why, the buisness is hers you haven't even told me the details on the problem, you're just lucky I'm willing to help mum even if she's not well enough to look after the buisness...."

he was about to say more but heard his mother ask what they where whispering about.

Mengrui turned giving his ma a gentle grin "nothing ma, just some small talk" he said before walking out and getting into the car, soon followed by both his parents.

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