Chapter 37

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Shuanghui smiled and looked down before looking back at Kong Aixian "I love him.... there is no way I'll hurt him, I'll protect him with my life"

Kong starred at him "I'll take you up on that promise, his life is in your hands"

Shuanghui nodded and bowed as a mischievous grin grin crossed him "Don't worry Pa, I'll take good care of him" he walked out not giving Kong a chance to respond to him calling him pa, knowing he wouldn't dare tease Mengrui's mother but his father he wasn't once told to be careful with

Mengrui frowned seeing Shuanghui's mischievous look "what did you do?"

Shuanghui put his arm around Mengrui "nothing we need to go before we are late" leading Mengrui out the door

Mengrui put the bike helmet on himself this time with little help from Shuanghui, before they drove back to the Li family home, Kaihan was outside playing with the kids "Didi is here" he called out to Juanshou

Juanshou walked out the house and looked at Shuanghui who was helping Mengrui off the bike "ready now?"

Shuanghui looked at Juanshou "you're joking right, give me a chance to get changed"

Juanshou shook his head "me joking, Didi since you planned on staying at Xiao Kongs house why did you not take a change of clothes"

Mengrui laughed a little turning away from them

Shuanghui looked at Mengrui then went inside "I... didn't think about it"

Juanshou watched him walk past "hurry up" then went over to Mengrui grabbing his hand "so this is the ring"

Mengrui slowly took his hand away and nodded still not use to the sudden contact of everyone being so touchy, Kaihan ran over hearing Juanshou "ring where"

Mengrui starred at them both backing away lightly

"alright, alright boys don't scare him, let him inside" Rongshu said kindly "He's clearly uncomfortable with you both crowding him like that" she pulled mengrui from between Kaihan and Juanshou "go on inside dear"

Mengrui bowed slightly then headed inside

Rongshu slapped both Kaihan and Juanshou round the back of their heads "jeez your both so childish, and married" give him some space before you scare him off for Shuanghui"

"Sorry ma" they both said holding the back of their heads

Mengrui looked towards the door as Rongshu came in "go on up to Shuanghui's room, he shouldn't be to long, plus you will be safe away from the troublesome twins" she smiled kindly to him

Mengrui softly smiled back before heading up the stairs to Shuanghui's room, he entred and shortly after Shuanghui did with a towel wrapped around his waist his body and hair still wet from the shower, Mengrui face went red again seeing Shuanghui

"ah... Xiao Rui" he smiled letting out a small laugh at the embarrassed man infront of him

Mengrui looked away blushing still "I'll wait outside"

Shuanghui pointed at him "If you leave, I'll come after you like this, I'll just grab my clothes and get changed in the bathroom you stay put"

Mengrui didn't look at him and nodded

Shuanghui grabbed some jeans and a shirt from his draws and underwear, he looked at Mengrui before going back into the bathroom to get dry and dressed, once he was done he came back out rubbing the towel on his head to dry his hair, walking over to Mengrui who hadn't moved "Xiao Rui" he whispered into his ear

Mengrui shivered and looked at him taking a step back his cheeks still red

Shuanghui smirked and gently stroked his thumb over the blushing cheek bringing Mengrui's face closer to his "if you keep blushing like that they are going to think you saw me naked"

not that saying that helpped in the least since it just made Mengrui blush more, he looked away covering his face and crouching by the door

Shuanghui folded the towel ond put it down before crouching by mengrui "Xiao Rui" he whispered gently "being so cute makes me want to kiss you and do bad things to you"

Mengrui looked up from his hands and glared at Shuanghui "pervert"

Shuanghui smiled "ah your ready to go" grabbing Mengrui's hands pulling him up as he stood up, taking him out of the room and downstairs

Mengrui blinked at the sudden movement a little confused "I was already ready"

Shuanghui looked at Mengrui "really, so you was ready to come downstairs with a blushung red face, it was practically glowing, if so I can simple make you blush again"

Mengrui looked at him blankly "don't bother"

Shuanghui smiled locking there fingers together once again "ready when you are gege" he said to Juanshou

Kaihan looked at them amused "so are you both actually together now?"

Shuanghui looked at Mengrui then at Kaihan "shut up and get in the car"

Rongshu refused to let Shuanghui go on his bike and made him get in the car with her and Baotian obviously taking Mengrui in the car with him, Juanshou took the one car with his wife and kids and kaihan and his wife in another car.

Juanshou drove to the resturant, with the other 2 cars following behind him, it wasn't a top class one knowing how his brother preffers to dress so kept it to be a more casual place but where the group could still be in a private room

they all sat down around a large round table, Shuanghui made sure Kaihan was not sitting next to Mengrui sitting him between himself and his mother, Kaihan of cause pouted about this leaving his wife to smile and lightly laugh at her man child

Rongshu smiled at Mengrui putting her hand on is "I do appologise for my husbands behaviour at yesterday's dinner"

Mengrui looked at his hand then at Rogshu and shook his head "I... I shouldn't have said anything, it wasn't my place to complain"

Shuanghui had hold of Mengrui's other hand and lightly squeezed it listening to the conversation

Rongshu smiled "you're to kind, that man didn't mean what he said, he wouldn't dare insault my child infront of me unless it was part of our little plan"

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