Chapter 29

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Shuanghui kept ot put of reach as a message came through "true you was.. ah he messaged... who was that?"

"Shuanghui!" Mengrui complained

Shuanghui looked at Mengrui "no phones alloud" he texts Dong back "Li Shuanghui, this phone has currently been confiscated" and turns the phone off

Mengrui blinked staring at Shuanghui who puts the phone up ontop of his wardrobe "why did you do that"

Shuanghui shrugged a little "wanted to"

Mengrui sighed and sat down on the bed picking Xing up onto the bed, Xing curled up to sleep

"Didi, Xiao Kong" Juanshou said as he opened the bedrom door "foods ready"

Mengrui got up at went out the door but stopped as Shuanghui hadn't moved "you not coming?"

Shuanghui waved his hand to say go "I...just need a minute"

Juanshou patted Mengrui's shoulder "you go first"

Mengrui nodded and went downstairs

Juanshou stared at Shuanghui "what are you doing"

Shuanghui frowned "nothing..."


Shuanghui shook his head "let go down and eat" he walked to the door and pushed Juanshou out shutting the door behind him "lets eat your wifes lovely food"

"fine, but you talk after" Juanshou said before walking down with Shuanghui

everyone had sat at the table and tang had purposly sat next to Mengrui, Juanshou's and Kaihan's wives placed the last two dishes on the table

Juanshou and Shuanghui walked over, Tang turned away from Shuanghui line of sight and gave Kaihan a mischievous smile before placing his arm around Mengrui "having fun here?"

Mengrui tried to shake him off but his grip didn't budge "it's fine but can you stop"

Tang pulled Mengrui closer "ahh why we are brothers now"

Shuanghui grabs Tangs arm and pulls it from around Mengrui "he said stop" he then pulls tang off the seat and sits down

Tang laughs "alright alright" he says as he getd pulled up "I get it no ones alloud to touch your man"

Shuanghui glared at him "shut up and sit, or you'll regret it"

Mengrui looks at Tang "are you a massochist? you seem to do and say things that ends up with him threatening you"

Tang smiles at Mengrui and sits down "he doesn't just threaten, this man is violent and dares to beat up his boss"

Mengruilooks over at Tang "why are you telling me this, this just tells me you like being beaten and he grants the wish"

Shuanghui hissed inwardly at Tang "you ask for it"

Rongshu slightly laughed "alright eat up lets not let the food go cold"

while they where eating Kaihan put his thumbs up to the little girl sat between Juanshou and him

the little girl looked at Shuanghui "Shushu?

Shuanghui hummed softly to answer as he ate

"Do you love that man?" pointing to Mengrui

Mengrui froze for a moment then went back to eating acting like he didn't hear anythig

Shuanghui struggled to swollow what was in his mouth "do you even know what love is?"

she pouted and pointed at tang and kaihan "they said you love him and that you where sad when you where away from him, but Shushu doesn't look sad anymore"

Shuanghui glared at tang and Kaihan "they.... where lying..."

she shook her head "no they are not Shushu, you are"

Shuanghui "enough eat the food, ma will be upset if you dont eat"

she went back to eating when Juanshou tapped her shoulder and he kicked Kaihan under the table

Rongshu slightly taps her chopsticks on the table "you don't deny it though, about loving Xiao Kong"

Mengrui and shuanghui looked up at Rongshu

Meirong smiled at Mengrui "you can't exactly say you hate him, or you would have sorted the divorce when you father passed you the papers"

Mengrui looked at his ma "i been busy....."

Aixian nodded "yes yes because signing a peice of paper will distract you from studying"

Shuanghui frowned slightly

Baotian didn't want to get involved but was pretty much threatened by his wife "I don't know why you wouldn't divorce him, he'd be a useless husband"

Shuanghui looked around "what is this? you just told us to eat and now your startig another discussion"

Mengrui was glaring at Baotian "what do you mean by that" the things Baotian said always got on his nerves since this man had never once said anythig nice about Shuanghui from the day they met

Shuanghui looked at Mengrui "leave it, just eat"

Mengrui shook his head "no that man..." he stopped and looked at the kids and got up and went back to Shuanghui's room

Shuanghui froze on the spot as everyone watched Mengrui walk off, Meirong was going to go after him but was stopped by Aixian and was told to eat

Tang pushed Shuanghui off the chair "go to him"

Shuanghui grabbed some food into a bowel and some chopsticks, he hesitated before saying something "excuse us" then went upstairs and knocked on his own door before opening it "Mengrui?"

Mengrui was sat on the bed stroking a sleeping puppy, he looked over at Shuanghui as he came in "why did you knock?"

Shuanghui smiled and shut the door "I brought you some food up"

Mengrui looked down "sorry... you should go back"

"not unless you come with me, I have a feeling i'd be stabbed if I reterned without you, ahh why you get so annoyed about what the laotou said"

Mengrui frowned "he always looks down on you and treats you like you are nothing"

Shuanghui sat next to Mengrui and hesitated before putting his hand on his head and ruffling his hair "thank you"

Mengrui sighed "for what"

"for caring and getting angry for me, ever since I came back from the army, you're the first to get mad at laotou like that, for me, so thank you"

Mengrui shook his head and looked at Shuanghui "I didn't get mad because of you I got mad because he's heartless"

Shuanghui laughed "if thats what you want to believe"

Mengrui frowned "why else would I get mad at him"

Shuanghui smiled "if you don't move you'll find the answer" he leaned forward and placed a kiss on Mengrui's lips gently"

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