Chapter 44

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while Mengrui filled out the forms Shuanghui put his top back on, once everything was sorted, Shuanghui drove them home

Rongshu was waiting impatiently since Tang had gotten back without the others, he told her about the gunshot but that just made her panick more not giving him a chance to fully explain when they heard the bike pull up outside Rongshu rushed out almost knocking her son over as she hugged him tightly the second he got off the bike

Mengrui tried to move out the way but Shuanghui didn't let go of his hand "Ma I'm fine, back in one peice"

Rongshu nudged him "hardly, you came back with a hole in you"

Shuanghui smiles at her and pulled Mengrui close putting his arm around his waist "I got my husband back safely, thats what matters"

Rongshu looked at Mengrui and smiled touching his face "that is good, I'm glad you are not harmed"

Mengrui smiled slightly

Shuanghui kissed Mengrui's cheek "how are his parents"

Rongshu walked in "they don't know what happened, they think it was a robbery and you guys where sorting it out, they are in your brothers room sleeping"

Shuanghui Nodded walking in with Mengrui who was blushing again "thats good, if Mengrui wants them to know the truth we can explain it to them"

Mengrui shook his head "no, I don't want them to worry"

Rongshu nodded "go to bed, you can deal with your father tomorrow "she pointed to the front room since she made him sleep on the sofa

Tang watched and listened before heading upstairs to his room which was actuall a study but he didn't stay often so he was fine with it and still rather pleased that he had a place to stay if he needed it

Shuanghui took Mengrui to his room with him and gave him some of his clothes "you can get washed but you will have to wear these till we can get you some clothes from your house, sorry if they are a bit big"

Mengrui smiled and took the clothes from him "thank you" he said quietly before walking into the bathroom

Shuanghui pulled his blooded shit off and petted the sleeping Xing before laying back on the bed waiting for Mengrui to finish showering

Mengrui came out of the bathroom, the top Shuanghui had given him was way to big, he looked over at Shuanghui on the bed and started blushing

Shuanghui smiled at him "need help with your hair?"

Mengrui nodded as Shuanghui sat up patting the bed "come here then" he waited for mengrui to get closer before pulling him into his lap wrapping his arms around him holding him close as he buried his face into his neck and wet hair

Mengrui sat still, feeling this mans heart beat against him and warm breath against his neck, lightly leaning against Shuanghui holding his hands tightly, he played with Shuanghui's ring for a moment before taking it from his middle finger "I... I don't" Shuanghui looked down at their hands from Mengrui's shoulder "I don't... want to leave you" Mengrui struggled to say as he put the ring back on Shuanghui's hand, on the correct finger

Shuanghui smiled and interlocked their fingers "I wont leave, today scared me" he kisses Mengrui's cheek

Mengrui turns a little in Shuanghui's lap looking at him and smiled "i'm here,  you don't need to be scared"

Shuanghui stroked his face with his right hand and pulled him close kissing him deeply and passionately Mengrui reterned the kiss, blushing up as usual

Shuanghui brushed Mengrui's hair back out of his face, he smiled before taking the towel and drying Mengrui's hair more

they both sat back on the bed a bit more once Mengrui's hair was dry, he stayed between Shuanghui's legs as he was wrapped in Shuanghui's arms tightly, leaning against Shuanghui's chest

Mengrui looked up at him and smiled Shuanghui stilled had a worried look on his face, he turned around to his knees gently moving his hand to Shuanghui's cheeks "i'm fine, you don't need to worry" he said as he kissed Shuanghui on the lips trying to give him some comfort

Shuanghui smiled against Mengrui's lip kissing him back, he rolled Mengrui over and leaned over the top of him "you should go to sleep, it's almost morning" he kissed Mengrui again, stroking his cheek and neck gently with his left hand

Mengrui smiled up at him "you.. really... thank you... for showing me what love is" Shuanghui smiled "is that a confession? are you telling me you love me?" he said teasingly

Mengrui nodded blushing brightly "y..yes"

Shuanghui smiled and kissed him in the lips before kissing Mengrui's delicate neck before biting it and leaving a mark making Mengrui jerk away from the sudden bite blushing more "what are you doing?"

Shuanghui smirked and looked at Mengrui's neck "marking you, because you finally admitted to loving me"

Mengrui blushing still and Shuanghui lay onto his back, pulling Mengrui close to him "lets sleep"

Mengrui lifted his head to kiss Shuanghui before using Shuanghui's right arm as a pillow

it had been an hour since Shuanghui and mengrui went to sleep, Meirong had woken and came out of the room, Tang hearig this opened his door and looked over towards her "good morning Ayi"

Meirong looked at Tang "good morning... is Mengrui home"

Tang nodded "yes he's back safe and sound" he went over to Shuanghui's door, quietly opening it he put his finger to his lips and signaled for Meirong to come over and see for herself

Meirong smiled seeing her boy sound asleep, Shuanghui cuddled him protectively as he slept, she frowned seeing the blood on Shuanghui and the bandage on his shoulder "what happened to him?"

Tang shut the door "Just a minor injury, nothing serious don't worry about it" he smiled kindly to Meirong "I'll make you some breakfast, I havn't made food in a while and it is no way near as good as Shuanghui's though I'm afraid

those is the story ends here I may add some extra chapeters but this is the story official ending, both wearing their rings, and both confessed their love, and the happy couple cuddling together 😅 thank you for reading the first story I ever finished

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