Chapter 28

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Tang smiled "it wasn't exactly kidnapping, it was a involuntary abduction"

Shuanghui glared at him "that's kidnapping"

Rongshu looked at Juanshou "what did they do"

Juanshou looked up from playig with his son "they.... locked Shuanghui and Xiao Kong in a house"

Rongshu glared over at the 2 boys who where now looking away avoiding all eye contact "you did what!"

Kaihan smiled worriedly "Tang suggested it"

Tang shook his head "I only suggested that we got them together"

Kaihan smirked "you also supplied us with the place to hold them"

Juanshou sighed "both of you are as much to blame as the other"

Tang and Kaihan looked at Juanshou "you helpped"

Juanshou sighed again and shook his head "I give up"

Shuanghui glared "you can't blame Juanshou, since you put in the note that we can't blame him"

while Rongshu was scolding the boys for what they had done, Juanshou's and Kaihan's wifves had left the room to do the dinner since Rongshu cooked last few years they decided it was their turn

Shuanghui was being poked at and pulled on by Juanshou's 2 kids, Mengrui was just sat by his ma worried about her dispite her keep saying she was fine

Rongshu softly chuckled "He's such a good boy"

Meirong smiled at Rongshu "he is but he worries to much if I so much as sneeze he panicks"

Shuanghui tried not to laugh listening to the conversation, he tickled the little boy to distract himself

Juanshou watched Shuanghui and smirked taking his kids from him "Distracting yourself with my kids, why don't you distract your worried husband over their" he then got up and took the kids outside to play for a while

Shuanghui sighed lightly he got up and went over to Mengrui "I'll take you to see Xing"

Mengrui looked up at him and got up not saying anything

Rongshu looked at them confused "stars?, It's still day time"

Shuanghui laughed light "Xiao Xing is his puppy"

Li Baotian stared "you brought a dog in here"

Shuanghui  looked over "He's in my room, you will be fine, want to complain I'll introduce you" a cold dark tone filled Shuanghui's voice

Mengrui sighed "sorry, I don't like leaving Xiao Xing alone"

Shuanghui frowned and pulled Mengrui out of the room "don't appologise to him" he said before taking him upstairs

Tang hummed softly "He's allergic to dogs to but will defend Xiao kongs dog" he said quietly to himself but Kaihan over hearing him and looked at him curiously

Kaihan whispered to Tang "what do you mean?"

Tang stared " heard me" he smirked "what I mean is, shutting them in a house together was a good thing, Shuanghui clearly cares about Xiao Kong..... Do you like him? ya know as a little brother"

Kaihan smiled watching Tang curiously "what are you getting at"

Tang placed down his mahjong piece "simple, by the end of the day, we have them wearing their rings properly, I know Shuanghui has his on a necklace"

Kaihan nodded "what about the other one"

Tang shrugged "i don't know him other then hes an innocent kid, that goes to school, hes also shy, so I don't know if he has the ring on him"

Juanshou came back in while tang and Kaihan are whispering and glares at them "What are you both planning now?"

Tang and Kaihan slightly jumped at the sudden sound of Juanshou's entrance, they look at him both of them grinning as they respond "Project Bonding"

Mengrui and Shuanghui parents looked at them

Juanshou looked confused "Project Bonding? what do you mean"

Kaihan looked around at the set of parents and hummed

Tang ignoring the presence of everyone else looked straight at Juanshou with a smirk "we get that shy couple and somehow get them to admit thier feelings for each other"

Li Baotian glared darkly "what are you chatting shit about, they are both men, they are only married...."

he was cut off by Tang "married because of you, so therefore face the conciquence of your son falling inlove with another man"

Li Baotian looked furious but didn't say another word

Juanshou looked over at Kong Meirong "what do you say Ayi, of cause he is your son, we.." he shot a glare and tang and kaihan "wont do anything without your permission"

Kong Meirong smiled softly and looked over at her husband before averting her gaze back to the boys "I don't think it would be a bad idea, other then Xiao Dong I've never seen him close to anyone, till he met Shuanghui... he looked a bit lost these last few weeks aswell when Shuanghui stopped coming over, he couldn't even concentrate on reading dispite telling Loa Kong that he wanted to concentrate on his work when he was passed the divorce papers"

Kong Aixian was a little shocked "you heard that, I thought you was..." he shut up when Meirong glared at him "this is your fault to" she said to him

Juanshou put his hand on the top of his son and daughters head "wanna help Pa with Shushu and get him to smile more?"

They both looked up at Juanshou and smiled nodding

"then we'll help to, and you both better make a decent plan"

Kaihan and Tang high fived each other

Mengrui was playing with Xing teaching him some small tricks, Shuanghui lay on his bed and watched him, he had a gentle smile on his face almost hidden from plain sight

Mengrui stopped playing with Xing as his phone rang and answered it "Dong ge?"

"hey Mengrui..."

Shuanghui frowned hearing Dogs name


Mengrui moved the phone away from his ear because of the shouting "ShuYing merry Christmas"

Shuanghui sighed in annoyance slightly and Mengrui looked over at him "you ok?"

Dong was a bit puzzled but answered "i'm fine....why you ask"

"ah not you Dong ge...."

Shuanghui took Mengrui's phone from him "i'm fine..." he said before cutting the phone off,  Mengrui tried to grab it but he moved it out of reach

Mengrui frowned "give it to me, I was talking!"

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