Chapter 25

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Mengrui heard the door open and struggled again "let me go" he demanded after hearing nothing

Shuanghui hurried over pulling the thing off his head "what are you doing here"

Mengrui's eyes where full of anger "how the hell am I meant to know, just untie me" his voice was kinda shaken but angry

Shuanghui undone the ties and helpped Mengrui off the bed Mengrui ran out the room and headed straight for the front door pulling at it as it wont open

Shuanghui followed him down "we are locked in"

Mengrui shook his head "no, no I need to go home, Ma just got out of hospital I need to look after her"

Shuanghui sighed "it'll be ok Xiao Rui, she'll be fine your Pa is there"

Mengrui shook his head and fell to his knees "no I need to, Pa can't do it what if she got hurt when they took me" he searched his pockets for his phone, Xing barked next to Mengrui

Shuanghui sighed "she wont be hurt" he put his hand on Mengrui's shoulder "they took our phones, I'll kill them when we get out of here"

Mengrui looked up at him his eyes where full of anger and sadness "you know who did this"

Shuanghui shook his head "not for certain, but I have a great idea who did, there's only two people in this world that I know that would do something as stupid as this to me"

Mengrui looked at Xing who was still barking and stroked him to calm him down "Xiao Xing"

Shuanghui left Mengrui by the door to calm down and looked around, he laughed quietly at the food that had been packed in the cupboard and shook his head

as he was walking around he saw a note under a plant pot by the Tv and picked it up

"to Didi And Xiao Kong" Shuanghui read out "Xiao Rui" he shook his head "it was. definitely those idiots"

Mengrui looked up and picked Xing up in his arms "what you mean"

Shuanghui waved the note in his hand "they left us a note" he opened it and read it out

Dear Kong Mengrui and Li Shuanghui

First welcome to your new home Didi, this is the christmas gift I'm giving to you,

Second we kidnapped you both for your own good, do not worry we are not idiots like you Shuanghui, so don't forget to feed you husband and theres some pain killers in the bathroom for your headache

Third theres an outfit in the rooms for you both to wear tomorrow when we pick you guys up

p.s.....You can thank us later

love from Kaihan and Tang

also Juanshou helpped but he didn't want to so don't blame him

Shuanghui frowned "these...idiots I'm goig to kill them, Juanshou...why the hell did he agree to this"

Mengrui sighed and sat down cuddling Xiao Xing "guess theres nothing we can do till they get us tomorrow"

Shuanghui shrewed the note up and threw it at the window "tomorrow I'll kill them, for the both of us, they didn't hurt you did they"

Mengrui shook his head "no I'm fine..... just worried about Ma"

Shuanghui sat next to him "she'll be fine, since Juanshou was involved he would have explained whatever it is that they are doing, with her, which also would explain Xing because they wouldn't have thought about bringing the dog, I know that much"

Mengrui slightly smiled "Ma knows I wont leave Xing alone"

Shuanghui looked at him curiously "why not? he looks old enough to be alone for a little while"

Mengrui smiled and combed his fingers through Xings fur "when he was a baby he almost died, when I found him with his Ma.... he was the only one still alive, I heard the smallest of noise, him and 3 other puppies and the mother, he was the only one alive, he was very sick and malnourished even the vet wasn't sure if he made it, the vet kept calling him a little star for making it through all his treatments and gettig stronger everyday, when he was well enough to be adopted I told Ma and she said I could keep him if I wanted to, so I got my Xiao Xing and brought him home"

Shuanghui smiled listening carefully to what Mengrui was saying, he gently ruffled Xings head "I see, so your worried about him"

Mengrui nodded and looked at Shuanghui "you gonna be ok beinh locked in with us"

Shuanghui laughed "I won't die, the worst that will happen is I get a little swollen if he licks me, I'll live, you hungry?"

Mengrui shrugged "if I say no would you believe me?"

Shuanghui just smiled and got up going to the kitchen area to make food

Mengrui turned the tv on, turning it over to a crime investigation show, he lay down on the couch with Xing curled up on him

Shuanghui cooked up a small meal for the both of them placing the dishes on the table after half hour, "Foods ready" he said looking over to the couch, no getting a response he walks over leaning over the back and looking at Mengrui asleep "hey don't sleep here, you're a nightmare to wake up"

Mengrui nudged his head into his arm a bit more, Shuanghui sighed and picked Xing up "Xiao Rui, Xing is hungry"

Mengrui slowly opened his eyes and looked up at Shuanghui and Xing, he hummed slightly

Shuanghui smiled at him "Xiao Xing needs feeding, and food is ready"

Mengrui rubbed his eyes and got up, he stretched and looked for Xings food, Shuanghui put Xing on the floor and Xing ran to the food bag barking "it's here" Shuanghui said

Mengrui looked over and got a bowel from the cupboard and put some food on it for Xing before washing his hands and sitting with shuanghui "thank you" he said sleepily

Shuanghui shook his head "it's nothing just eat then you can sleep" he put some of the food into Mengrui's bowl and took some for himself

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