Chapter 17

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Mengrui was petting Xing quietly as they walked to the office, he was about to walk in when Kaihan stopped him "ah as much trouble as my father has caused he's more allergic to dogs then Shuanghui"

Shuanghui sighed "let laotou suffer this is his fault, since hes the one that pulled this marriage off hes gotta welcome every family member, that i believe includes the dog"

Juanshou slaps the back on Shuanghui's head "thats doesnt mean kill him"

Dong takes Xing "I have nothing to do with this, so I'll keep an eye on Xing we'll wait out here for you"

Mengrui expression saddened and ruffled Xings head

Tang looked at them "i'm coming in, I might be able to help"

Kaihan smiled "no problem Tang ge, you're family to after all"

Mengrui was hesitant in going in the office but Shuanghui pulled him in "come on the quicker we deal with this the quicker we can leave and go back to our normal lives"

Mengrui sighed and followed them in both there fathers where in the office waiting, there where 3 documents on the desk 2 of which have been signed, signing their shares of the company over to their sons

Li Baotian frowned "why am I signing it to this idiot and not one of you two" he says looking at Juanshou

Juanshou shook his head "you have no room to argue Pa, if you hadn't done this mess in the first place then we wouldnt be here, me and Kaihan have our own lives"

Shuanghui growled "Laotou you are a bigger idiot then me, How did you even manage to get the company into this much debt"

"what do you even know about the money problems idiot, not like you'd be able to keep the company running anyways"

Mengrui looked at the signing over contracts as they argued, he didn't seem like he was takig much note in what was being said but he was listening quite well

Kaihan mumbled "least the idiot wouldn't have gambled his and his families life away"

Kong Aixian watched as they argued, he wasn't sure what was going on, he was only appointed CEO because his wife got ill but generally completely useless to the company and Mengrui was to youg to take it over

"the only reason why that punk wouldn't gamble stuff away is because he's to stupid to even be able to start games with anyone"

Tang stood infront of Shuanghui and was about to say something but Shuanghui shook his head "don't bother, hes right I am useless, the only thing im good at is getting in the way"

Tang stared at Shuanghui "thats not true"

Mengrui passed the contract to Shuanghui "you're not useless, a useless person doesnt have a heart, someone who has a brain but no heart is as Useless then someone whos stupid enough to not know when to stop and loose everythig on betting" his voice had a cold tone and his eyes had a dark glare as he stared at Li Baotian "I see why he calls you Laotou and not Pa, I thought he was just a rude inconsiderate asshole, but no it's you since you have no faith in him"

everyone fell silent, although his words where cold they where the truest words that had been said to such a man that no one had dared to get on the wrong side of

"you tricked my Pa, you use your son, and you Use a company that you didnt even fully own to pay off the debts that you still havn't managed to cover, and yet you sit there and lecture your stupid son about the things he done wrong, tell me, What have you done right?"

Kong Aixian stood up "Mengrui thats enough"

Mengrui glared at his father "Don't tell me enough, you should have told me whats going on, you should have..."

Shuanghui signed the papers as Lao kong was speaking after he put did he put his hand over Mengrui mouth as he was speaking and pulled him close "don't argue, they where both wrong but arguing about it wont help"

Tang looked at them the at lao kong and Lao Li "I'll pay what is left of the debt, but next time Lao Li you are on your own, I'm doing this for Shuanghui"

Mengrui pulled Shuanghui off him and walked out to where Dong was playing with Xing

Kaihan laughed "he can talk a lot then"

Juanshou smiled "seems so, but he didn't sign the other contract"

Tang nodded "He can't, even if its signed the old deal is still there since it was done for 3 years"

Juanshou nodded "we'll spend the night with Ma and head home in the morning" he got up and patted Shuanghui's shoudler "you know where we are if you need us, the company is in your hands now Didi"

Shuanghui nodded "thank you gege"

Kaihan smiled and got up "Lets go say by to Xiao Kong"

Juanshou smiled "be strong Didi, Tng will help you out aswell" the twins walk out the office

Tang nodded "yeah, I'll help you out even with that divorce if you still want it" he said teasingly

Shuanghui scoffed and kicked Tang pushing him out the office with him leave the two fathers alone and unable to say anything, they now officially didn't own anything

Xing was running around Mengrui as mengrui was watching and smiling at his little puppy, He looked up and stood up as Juanshou and Kaihan came over

Kaihan smiled and patted Mengrui's head "we'll get going the Kong Didi" he said slightly teasing Mengrui's face wasn't to happy about the little joke

Juanshou laughed a little "be safe Xiao Kong, Dont let our Didi bother you to much"

Mengrui nodded and they walked off, he then sorted out his hair before crouching back down to play with Xing

Tand and Shuanghui walked over, Tang smirked "so we celebrating?"

Dong stared at him "celebrating what"

Tang had a mischievous grin "their marriage and the fact they are now the CEO's of the company"

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