Chapter 12

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Kaihan drives heading for the college, Juanshou had turned in the seat slightly to try and look at Mengrui before asking questions

"How old are you?"

Mengrui looks up at him from the phone "i'm 21"

"young, you seem to know a lot, smart to, What do you see im my brother to marry someone like him"

Mengrui eyes gave a dark glare "nothing you need to know"

Juanshou turned back into his seat properly "same attitude as Didi" he says to his brother, Kaihan has no hesitation to agreeing before responding "just younger and smarter and looks more decent"

Mengrui sighed and leaned back in the seat ignoring the nonsense from the Li twins


Shuanghui just got back to the room they where in and frowned, his grip on the paper work tightened, before sighing and shaking his head, soon to just laugh darkly "fine, I want nothing to do with this anyways, leaving like this is you refusing my help" he shouted out before storming out the hospital and to his bike speeding off to Tang's house.

Tang had just opened his door as Shuanghui was going to knock "'re husband out?"

Shuanghui just glared at him

"well I gotta go out and work like a normal person, but feel free to stay here" Tang pats his shoulder before walking off as Shuanghui walks into the apartment slamming the door behind him

Shuanghui sat and kicked the coffee table irritated


Juanshou pulls up outside the college and Mengrui got out, Dong Dianfa was waiting for him, A confused look crossed his face as the twins got out of the car

Kaihan looked at Juanshou "we should find Shuanghui, he's going to be mad"

Juanshou laughed "he will live, it's not like he will be any help" he then moved to stand behind Mengrui "your friend"

Mengrui nodded

Dong Dianfa looked at Juanshou  then Mengrui "whos this"

Kaihan walked over pushing Juanshou over a bit "i'm Li Kaihan and this is my twin brother Li Juanshou, we are Shuanghui's older brothers

"Shuanghui?" he thinks for a moment then looks at Mengrui "that punk that stayed with you last night?"

Mengrui nodded "yeah but these 2 seemed more reliable then him so I left with them"

Dianfa held his hand out "discharge forms, I want to see if it really was food poisoning"

Mengrui's face darkened "food poisoning? I don't have the forms, Shuanghui has them"

Dianfa's face darkened

Juanshou put his hand on Mengrui's head "we can take you to get them or bring them to you later when we have time to talk about this mess our father has made"

Kaihan held out the paperwork that Mengrui had written on "some good idea, we'll help as much as possible"

Mengrui took the paper work after batting Juanshou's hand off him and moved to stand beside Dianfa "its fine, I'll deal with this, and I don't need the discharge forms so just dispose of them" he then turned and walked into the college building closely followed by Dianfa.

The twins drive off to gather information on what happened to their fathers company, they could only be here for 3 days since they had to go back to their wives and job.

After a few hours Dong Dianfa escorted the complaining Kong Mengrui home, dispite him saying he was fine and didn't need to be accompanied.


A few hours had gone by since Tang Kuanwo left Shuanghui at his place, he walked in not expecting him to still be there.

Shuanghui was just sat on the couch staring at the table lost in thought

Tang coughs to note his presence, shuanghui did not even flinch, Tang gave his usual mischievous grin "I thought you was helping them?"

Shuanghui's face darkened and shot a glare at Tang "Tang ge, I would have no objection in helping them, but those little assholes left me at the hospital" his voice grew andry as he spoke, he kicks the table in anger

Tang picks up the medical packet "whats this you ill:

Shuanghui frowned "they belong to Mengrui"

Tang smirks "why dont you deliver the medication to your beloved"

Shuanghui raises his fist at tang and growls "are you asking for a beating"

Tang puts his hands up in surrender "fine, I'll take it to him" he turns and in a cheerful voice he adds on "it might even be fun trying to make him take the medication"

Shuanghui got up fast grabbing the medication from Tang, "don't you go near him" after that Shuanghui headed out

Tang smiled proudly watching him leave

Shuanghui headed home and got washed and changed, he was stopped by his ma as he headed back downstairs

Li Rongshu stood in the way of the front door in order to stop her son from leaving "where are you going, your brothers are here for 3 days learn something from them for a change"

Shuanghui frowned "i'm not going out to fool around as for Gege they already refused my help and left me in the hospital taking Mengrui with them, I have something to give to someone then I'm staying at Tang's house" he pulls out his wallet and passes his cards and money to his mother "just so you believe that I'm not going to go off and mess about you can have these, if my gege needs me they know where to find me" with that he slightly pushed his mother aside and walked out


Mengrui was at home having dinner with his ma, his father had been sent out of the house for a few days since Kong Meirong did not want to see him

there was a knock at the door still concerned about her son Kong Meirong answers the door, she was a little shocked to see Li Shuanghui standing there

Shuanghui was a little hesitant in talking but managed to finally say something "umm I have something for Xiao Kong"

Kong Meirong was a little surprised at him calling Mengrui Xiao kong since she has only heard him reffer to him as husband "c..come in, join us for dinner"

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