Chapter 43

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Mengrui looked up at him, tears falling

Shuanghui put his right arm around Mengrui pulling him into a tight embrace "I shouldn't have left you alone, I'm sorry" he whispered gently

Dong looked at Shuanghui then at Tang "he got shot protectig me"

Tang frowned  "Shuanghui, you got hurt"

Shuanghui tightly held Mengrui and kissed his head "did they hurt you"

Mengrui shook his head "no, i... I'm fine" he was still quite scare while shaking in fear

Tang walked over and grabbed Shuanghui's shoulder causing him to flinch in pain "I'll take that as a yes"

Shuanghui groaned from the pain pushing Tang off "I'm fine, nothing big, he got up and kept Mengrui close "lets get out of here"

Dont smiled at Mengrui "Alright next rime I'll believe you when you say he'll come"

Mengrui smiled lightly at Dong

"Tang take him home" Shuanghui said as he gestured to Dong

Tang nodded "alright" he thanked his team as he left, the place was cleared but the man from before was no where to be seen, Tang sighed at that taking Dong with him and drove off

Shuanghui driving his bike was about the drive of when Mengrui pulled the left corner of his top down "Hospital"

Shuanghui looked back to Mengrui "what?"

Mengrui frowned "go to the hospital..."

Shuanghui smiled "yes my love"   he said before driving off to the hospital

Tang pulled up outside Dongs house, Dong complained as Tang got out and walked him to the door, knocking on it

"I have a key you don't need to knock"

Tang sighed "keep complaining and I'm already regretting allowing Shuanghui saying we wanted both of you"

Dong was about to set out another complaint as the door opened his sister stood their looking tired as his parents ran out and hugged him tightly "Dianfa! where have you been!

Tang put his thumbs up "mission accomplished, I'm leaving now"

Dong's father grabbed Tang "what where you doing to my son and why is he injured"

Tang pulled Dong's fathers hands off him "I saved him, you are welcome by the way, saving such a brat is a pain"

Dong hugged his mother and looked at his father "it wasn't his fault Pa, he saved me, I'm sure I would have been in more trouble if it wasn't for him"

Tang laughed "your meimei seems worried to"

ShuYing frowned "why is it just you, where's Mengrui"

Dong looked at Tang then to his sister and worried parents "He's fine, He's with..."

Tang smirked watching Dong before cutting in "He's with his husband, who is either heading home or to the hospital, depends if that idiot will listen or not, anyways I'm going to go"

Shuying panicked "Mengrui's in hospital"

Dong and Tang sighed "not Mengrui" they said together,

Dongs parents confused by this

"who's in hospital?"

Tang scratched his head "I see so these guys don't know only you thats a bit unfair"

ShuYing pouted "you mean that ugly man"

Tang looked at ShuYing "ugly man?"

"yes the stupid ugly man that's trying to take Mengrui from me"

Dong sighed "He's already succeeded"

Tang looked at Dong amused and hummed softly "Succeeded, so you really are mean, keeping secrets from your family"

Dong glared at Tang "this is why you are not alloud to follow me, get lost"

ShuYing jumped forward "what secrets"

Tang smirked at Dong and took out his phone, he got up a picture and showed it to ShuYing "I will kill him"

Tang took his phone back "Didi is already feeling guilty, I don't think he needs to be beaten anymore, protecting your brother already got him shot I'm sure you can hold off killing him a little longer" Tang then headed back to the car he let out a cheeky grin before blowing Dong a cheeky kiss "have fun" then drove off

Dong growled "I'll kill them both for you meimei"

Shuanghui and Mengrui where in the waiting room at the hospital, Shuanghui was tapping his feet impatiently, he would have been happy just going home and dealing with it himself, it wasn't like it was the first time he had been shot so didn't see it as a big deal

Mengrui slid him hand into Shuanghui's locking their fingers together "thank you"

Shuanghui sighed and shook his head "this is my fathers fault, don't thank me, my carelessness got you involved"

Mengrui tightened his grip on his hand squeezing it "no our carelss fathers got us involved in this mess, ur fathers gambaling and my fathers stupidity at believing everything, but... I'm kinda great full"

Shuanghui looked at Mengrui and hummed softly "greatful? you and your best friend got put in danger and you're greatful"

Mengrui nodded "it brought you to me... and .... I started to know the meaning of.... loving someone"

Shuanghui smiled he put his hand on Mengrui's cheek, withdrawing it when his name was called, he kept hold of Mengrui and followed the nurse to the doctors office

ge only let go of Mengrui's hand when he had to take his top off to show his injury, he flinched as the doctor cleaned the wound, he looked away as the needle was picked up, he tightened his grip on mengrui but was trying his best not to squeeze to hard

Mengrui watched Shuanghui's pained expression, and held onto his hand tightly

Shuanghui sighed as the doctor left, he was about to say something when he was suddenly pulled and kissed

Mengrui who had been pretty much worrying the moment the doctor left his pulled Shuanghui to him and kissed him deeply and passionately, Shuanghui was at first shocked put his arm around Mengrui kissing him back deeply

breaking the kiss only when the doctor came back and coughed, Mengrui looked away blushing red as Shuanghui chuckled "the doctor passed Shuanghui some forms to fill out "help me" he said looking at Mengrui "I can move my arm but it's painful to move it"

Mengrui looked at the forms, his face still red and filled out the forms passing them back to the doctor

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