Chapter 38

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Mengrui looked at her confused "little plan?"

Shuanghui sighed and pulled Mengrui closer to him starrig at his mother "what plan?"

Rongshu looked at Shuanghui "I thought Xiao Tang told you"

Shuanghui frowned "he didn't, all he said was..." he looked at Mengrui then back at his ma "this little plan of yours the reason why I got spoken to by his father this morning"

Juanshou looked over "So thats why you was late Didi, I thought it was because of the unwanted guest"

Mengrui puzzled face looked around the room at them all "what's going on?"

Rongshu patted Mengrui's hand "the original plan was to try and get you both wearing your wedding rigs by the end of yesterday but that seemed to have failed, though that cute picture of you both sleeping was adorable the plan worked enough"

Shuanghui blinked "what picture"

Kaihan smiled mischievous as Juanshou spoke "the one I sent to Mengrui this morning"

Mengrui looked at him Juanshou

Shuanghui laughed "the one Xiao Dong almost deleted.... wait Mengrui why did your pa call you this morning?"

Mengrui looked at him "just some nonsense about the company that was completely useless information, why?"

Shuanghui lay his head on the table "thats why Kong Ma looked like she wanted to kill me, they where all in on this"

Kaihan laughed "see Pa, your clueless son really does have a brain, he worked it out faster then Xiao Kong"

Mengrui frowned "I worked it out... at the words of they where all in on this"

Rongshu smiled at Mengrui "your mother is a very caring person and just wishes for her son to be happy, my boys wouldn't have done anything if it wasn't for her approval"

Juanshou and Kaihan nodded, their wives shaking their heads as they only just heard of this, Juanshou's wife raised an eyebrow "you used out daughter to help to didn't you"

Juanshou froze for a moment and pointed to Kaihan "it was him, just like it was when we fetched them from the house"

Kaihan stuck out his tongue "guilty" a huge smile on his face

Mengrui looked at Shuanghui who still had his head on the table mumbling in complaint "Shuanghui?" he said quietly

Shuanghui turned his head to look at Mengrui, before sitting up straight "what did you say?"

Mengrui starred at him "your name..."

Shuanghui smiled "so you can say my name, thats the first time I've heard you say my name"

Mengrui was tugged forward a little before Shuanghui got nudged, his head turned to face his brother glaring "what"

Kaihan smiled childishly "there are kids here"

Shuanghui frowned "does that include you gege?"

Mengrui smiled "I wont say it again"

Shuanghui looked back at Mengrui "why not"

"because someone gets to happy and my hand is suffering for it" Mengrui said as he pulled at his hand that was being tightly squeezed by Shuanghui

Shuanghui let go of his hand quickly "sorry"

Juanshou was passing some food to his son when he looked over "are you planning on starving?"

Mengrui looked at the food "I honestly like his food more"

Rongshu looked at them both "his food?" she aked

Mengrui looked at her confused "his food" he said as he pointed to Shuanghui

Shuanghui smiled "I guess my secret just got blown"

Baotian starred over "he can cook?"

Juanshou and Kaihan smiled as they already knew he could cook but they never ate his food

Mengrui nodded "he can cook really good, the first time I didn't get to try it much since ShuYing tried to attack him"

Rongshu looked curious "who is ShuYing"

Shuanghui looked away "a monster with claws, she slaps hard to"

Mengrui laughed "least you stopped the second one"

Shuanghui shook his head "I'm sure she's already planning on her next attack, I'm pretty sure she told me she would kill me if I took you from her"

Mengrui looked at Shuanghui

Rongshu still had a curious look "so.... who is she?"

Mengrui looked at Rongshu "she's my best friends meimei, she's kinda been obsessed with me since she was little, going around telling everyone that she was going to marry me when she grew up.... I pretty much ignored it since she was just a kid"

Kaihan smirked "oh competition Didi"

Shuanghui frowned "shut up"

Mengrui looked back to Shuanghui "she's like a little sister to me to, I have no intrest in her like that, ...or anyone else..."

Shuanghui looked at Mengrui and whispered to him "are you trying to comfort me, if so... kiss me again" he said with a smirk

Mengrui looked away blushing like mad, Rongshu chuckled then gave Shuanghui a light slap on his head "such a shy boy"

Shuanghui rubbed his head and smiled, he took Mengrui's hand back into his lightly, interlocking their fingers "Sorry" he said with a cheeky grin

Kaihan put his hand on Shuanghui's head and looked at Jaunshou and nodded "definitely"

Shuanghui batted his hand off and frowned at him

Juanshou nodded "love sick for sure"

the twins wives laughed watching

Mengrui couldn't help but laugh aswell at

Kaihan nudged Shuanghui "I saw Mengrui's ring, wheres yours

Shuanghui makig sure the kids were not watching before he let go of Mengrui's hand holding up his middle finger at him to show the ring but also to swear "it's here"

Kaihan looked at it confused "it's on the wrong finger"

Shuanghui looked at Mengrui then back at Kaihan "it will go on the right finger when he puts it on me"

"ah so you put his ring on and your own?" Juanshou said taking a sip of his drink

Shuanghui nodded and Mengrui watched quietly as Kaihan got up and stood behind Mengrui with a smile on his face "Don't you like this idiot"

Mengrui turned in his seat so he could look at Kaihan "....I don't hate him"

Rongshu glared at Kaihan "Don't scare him you bully"

Shuanghui smiled "I already know the answer to that question so please stop interrogating him"

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