Chapter 39

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Kaihan sat back down as thry finished eating, Mengrui hadn't actually eaten anything on the table not that anyone questioned why he didn't eat since he said he proffered Shuanghui's cooking, but Shuanghui knew it was because most of the dishes where sea food and it wasn't certain that no sea food had touched it

Shuanghui didn't eat much of it and looked at Mengrui "I'll cook you something when we get back"

Mengrui smiled at him lightly, taking Shuanghui's hand back in his as Shuanghui ate with his left hand

Shuanghui looked at Mengrui then at their hands interlocking their fingers, he lifted Mengrui's hand up and kissed it

Juanshou got up and went and paid as everyone else headed out to the cars

while Juanshou was paying Baotian and Rongshu gave there daughters in law a hug good bye and their grandkids who both soon ran and jumped at Shuanghui who smiled hugging the both of them "Be good for ma and pa ok" he said crouched to them ruffling their hair

Kaihan hugged his mother and father Juanshou walked out and went straight past Shuanghui and to Mengrui, he put his hand on Mengrui's shoulder "don't let my idiot brother bully you, if you need anything you have my number"

Shuanghui watched Juanshou but made sure Kaihan didn't go near him, as far as he was concerned only he was alloud to tease his Xiao Rui so wouldn't let his childish gege past

Kaihan pouted but smiled and waved as Juanshou dragged him back to his wife

Mengrui just waved bye to them quietly before gettig in the car with Shuanghui, Baotian driving them back to the Li family home

Shuanghui took Mengrui inside followed by his parents, Shuanghui went straight to the kitchen to cook Mengrui something he can eat, Rongshu followed them curious about her sons cooking skills

"since when could you cook" she said amused

Shuanghui looked at her with a smile "if I told you I could cook would you still cook for me?"

Rongshu shook her head and smiled "of cause not, you lazy man"

Shuanghui continued cooking "theres your reason why I never said anything, I love my mothers beloved cooking I couldn't give it up"

Rongshu flicked him "don't be so cheeky"

Mengrui smiled watching them

Rongshu stood by mengrui and smiled kindly to him "is this really the reason you didn't eat, because you wanted him to cook for you?"

Mengrui shook his head "I would have just gotten a snack till dinner, I wouldn't bother someone like this"

"then you didn't eat because"

Shuanghui looked over "He's allergic to sea food, that's why"

Rongshu looked over at Shuanghui then back to Mengrui "why didn't you say anything we could have made sure their was some dishes with no seafood"

Mengrui smiled "there was some... but even the slightest bit of sea food could have me hospitalized and .... well my mother spends enough time there without me being added so I'd rather not risk it

Rongshu nodded in understanding "I see, well I hope you enjoy what this boy makes for you" she smialed looking at Shuanghui as he finished up before walking out of the kitchen

Shuanghui walks over to mengrui holding some spicey noodle soup in a bowl "here you go"

Mengrui looks at it and was about to take the bowl when Shuanghui moves it away, Mengrui looks at him confused

Shuanghui smirked "Payment first"

"payment?" Mengrui narrowed his eyes "what's the payment?"

Shuanghui smiled "the same thing I asked from you earlier"

Mengrui thought for a moment then started blushing "that...."

Shuanghui nodded walking through to the table putting the bowl down "so will you give me my payment or am I eating this myself?" he said as he looked towards the kitchen

Mengrui stepped out blushing, he walked over to Shuanghui who just gently hummed in amusement, he leaned down and kissed Shuanghui on the cheek

Shuanghui let out a small laugh and befote Mengrui could fully pull away he grabbed his top and pulled him closer, Giving him a passionate kiss on the lips, Mengrui quickly put his hand on Shuanghui's shoulder to balance himself as he was pulled into a deepened kiss... he flinched and pulled away putting his hand over his mouth  glaring at Shuanghui "what you do that for!"

Shuanghui blankly starred at him "punishment"

Mengrui starred back at him with a frown "what did I do to get bitten?"

Shuanghui sighed and got up leaving the bowl on the table "eat" he then walked out of the room

Mengrui watched him walk out a little confused he frowned but sat down to eat, after he finished he went upstairs to Shuanghui

Shuanghui was playing a game on his console, he glanced at the door as it got knocked "....come in" he said before turning his attention back to the game

Mengrui opened the door and walked in, he looked at Shuanghui who didn't look to happy, he shut the door behind him

"did you eat?" Shuanghui said in a cold voice

Mengrui nodded "yeah"

Shuanghui paused the game "I'll take you home then"

Mengrui starred at him "whats wrong?"

Shuanghui got up "nothing, lets go" he opened the door and walked past Mengrui

Mengrui grabbed his arm and pulled Shuanghui closer and gave him a tight hug, Shuanghui blinked staying still as he was hugged "what are you doing?"

Mengrui lay his face on his shoulder "i'm sorry, I've never been close to anyone and I don't know how to react, and when it come to... kissing you..."

Shuanghui smiled a little stroking his fingers through Mengrui's long hair

Mengrui closed his eyes "don't be mad, I know how to do a lot of things.... but I don't know how to react when it comes to you"

Shuanghui put his arms around Mengrui holding him gently "hopeless, my shy Xiao Rui"

Mengrui looked up at him "sorry"

Shuanghui smiled tracing his fingers over Mengrui's jaw line "get use to me, because i won't let you go" he smiled watching mengrui go more red

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