Chapter 13

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Shuanghui went to decline as Kong Meirong pulls him inside "join us for food Xiao Li, I would like for you to join us"

Shuanghui let out a soft sigh and followed her in

A voice calls out "who is it ma, foods going...." his face slightly sinks seeing Shuanghui "cold..."

Shuanghui gave an uncertain smile to Mengrui not saying anything, Kong Meirong went to get another bowl of rice while Shuanghui sat next to Mengrui

"what are you doing here" Mengrui says coldly

"Ah..." Shuanghui dug into his jacket pocket and pulled out the medical papers with his medication in "you forgot these"

"don't need them, you can go"

Shuanghui raised his eyebrow "now i see why Tang ge said it would be fun making you take them"

Mengrui looked at him confused "Tang ge?"

Kong Meirong walks back in and Mengrui quickly grabs the meds and hides them

"thank you Ayi" Shuanghui says bowing his head to Kong Meirong as she places the bowl infront of him

she shakes her head taking a seat and dishes some food into both of their bowls "eat, eat" she urges them

Mengrui glared at Shuanghui before he started to eat, Shuanghui picked up his chopsticks and was fiddling with them a bit "you can't just hide them you need to take the...." he was stopped from talking as Mengrui shoved some food in his mouth followed by some cold words "shut up and eat"

Kong Meirong froze for a moment seeing her son feed Shuanghui " long have you 2 known each other"

Mengrui put his chopsticks down and looked at his mum "the only thing I know about him is his name, we met when you met him"

Shuanghui coughed a little "you met me at the dinner, I saw you before then"

Mengrui looked at him confused for a moment "thats why you wasn't surprised when I walked in

Shuanghui let out a small laugh as Kong Meirong watched but got more angry after hearing this

Kong Meirong gripped her chopsticks tighter "what did they make you do"

they both looked at Kong Meirong "Pa didn't tell you?" Mengrui said a little shocked

"no, I sent him away before we even got home from you being in hospital, good he must still be worrying about you thinking you are still there it is his fault"

"Ma..." Mengrui complains

Shuanghui gets in the way "Its not his fault Ayi, this is my fathers fault and me and my brothers intend on settling things, so don't worry"

Kong Meirong shakes her head "I'll think about forgiving him, you 2 just eat" waving her hand to the food

Shuanghui smiles "Ayi may I have a cup of water"

Kong Meirong nodded and went to get the water, Shuanghui grabbed the hidden medication taking them out of the packet placing one on the table out of Mengrui's reach so he couldn't grab them away.

Kong Meirong placed the cup down by Shuanghui "there you Xiao Li"

Shuanghui Smiled "Ayi You can call me Shuanghui" he hands the cup of water to Mengrui "take it"

Mengrui glared at him and continued eating

Kong Meirong watched them "take what?" she asked a bit confused

Mengrui looked up "nothing ma"

Kong Meirong started cleaning up the table once they finished eating as she walked out to the kitchen Mengrui got up to leave, Shuanghui grabs him pulling him back into the seat just as Mengrui opened his mouth to complain Shuanghui quickly put the tablet in his mouth and poured in water and covered his mouth and nose "swollow" he said with a hint of annoyance

Mengrui struggled in his hold trying to move his head away, refusing to swollow, he glared and pushed at Shuanghui unable to breath, as soon as he swollowed Shuanghui let go and he gasped for breath coughing a little as he mumbled "asshole"

Shuanghui laughed a little taking the glass into the kitchen area "Ayi, I should get going" he says placing the cup by the sink "thank you for having me"

Kong Meirong looked at him and frowned "it's raining, you will get wet if you leave now"

Shuanghui smiled "it's fine just a little water"

"you drive a bike its not safe for you to go in this weather least wait till the rain stops" Mengrui says as he grabs a glass and poirs some milk his tone still as cold as ever, he then walks to the couch and reads a book holding the glass of milk

Kong Meirong watches Mengrui "I agree with my Xiao Mengrui it's not safe to drive a bike in this weather, come come sit" leading him to the front room where Mengrui went

Shuanghui sighs "alright Ayi only because I wouldn't want you to worry"

Kong Meirong smiles and heads back to clean the kitchen

Shuanghui reaches into his pocket for his phone but frowns , then searches the rest of his pockets

"what you looking for" a cold voice

Shuanghui sits down leaning his head back "nothing important"

Mengrui throws his phone over to Shuanghui "here"

Shuanghui looks at the phone that lands in his lap picking up n scrolls through the apps "no games?"

Mengrui ignores him and continues reading his book

Shuanghui looks at Mengrui "what you reading?"

"shut up"

Shuanghui takes the glass of milk from him "ah thank you"

"OII!" Mengrui tries to grab it back"

Shuanghui gets up and takes a few mouthfuls "ah was this not for me?"

Mengrui growls and kicks him in the leg just as his ma comes into the room "Xiao Kong don't kick others"

Mengrui sighed and sat back down tucking his feet up going back to ignoring Shuanghui

Shuanghui chuckled "That was my fault Ayi, I was annoying him"

Kong Meirong and Shuanghui sat and started talking with each other, well more like Kong Meirong was questioning Shuanghui about his life and what he does and trying to find out as much as possible about him.

A few hours had passed and Shuanghui looked out the window it was still raining "I really should go, it's getting late"

Kong Meirong shook her head "I can't let you leave in this weather I wouldnt forgive myself if somethig happened, stay for tonight we have plenty of room, Mengrui set the spare bedroom up for him" not givig Shuanghui a chance to decline

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