Chapter 9

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After arriving at the hospital Shuanghui was pacing outside the operation theatre, in one hand hung a leather necklace with a white gold ring and white diamands imbeaded all around it, the other Mengrui phone "where the hell are they"

Kong Aixian and Meirong came rushing around the corner, Meirong had no hesitation at hitting Shuanghui demanding answers "he was fine till you took him out, What did you do to him?"

Shuanghui just hung his head allowing this worried woman hit him, he tried to answer but didn't know what to say "he passed out...thats all I know"

Kong Aixian held his wife back from hitting Shuanghui, he managed to calm her down and sat her down

The phone in Shuanghui hand rang, the first time he ignored it but the second time he answered "What!"

"whos this" Dianfa responded instantly

not recognising the voice from the phone pulling it away from his ear to see, realising it wasnt his phone and held it out to Kong Aixian "This.... someone called Dong ge"

Aixian took the phone "Xiao Dong, Mengrui is in operation theatre"

before he could say anything else Dianfa had hung up

Dianfa shows up at the hospital as the operation finishes, the doctor walked over to the worried couple and the taller man that was biting his nail.

Dianfa runs over as the doctor speaks

"food poisoning and an allergic reaction, is there anything hes allergic to?" the doctor asks, he was expectig Shuanghui to answer when Dianfa did instead "sea food, he's allergic to seafood"

The doctor looked a little confused by who responded, Mengrui parents still a little upset to speak "thank you, you can visit him in just a moment" the doctor turned and walked away

Dianfa turned to Shuanghui he opened his mouth to talk as Shuanghui spoke first

"Don't you dare blame this on me, maybe it was that damn party you took him to at the start of the week" he quickly shut his mouth practically just admited to stalking them this last week, moving away from the worried 3

Dianfa face was full of shock but also sadness, he didnt take much note on the fact this guy knew they went to a party but the fact Mengrui could be in hospital because of him

After the doctor said they could go in Shuanghui was the first in the room, while the others made there way he simply placed the ring in Mengrui hand before walking out, he was furious with his father still, dispite his cold exteria he still had a heart and was worried about the kid he just carried to the hospital but thought it would be best to leave him to family for now and headed out to his parents who where worried in the waiting room

"how is he doing" Li Rongshu asked worriedly

"He's fine, food poisoning and allergic reaction, but recovering, go home ma and take that Laotou with you, I don't want to speak to him right now, plus I need to look somethig up" his voice still had a slight tone of anger to it, but after finishing what he said he walked out and got on his bike speeding off to Tang Kuanwo's house

Tang once again being disturbed from the loud knocking, he grumbled and got up opening the door, "maybe I should just give you a key, then you can let yourself in and out of your home" he said mocking tone

Shuanghui glared at him "never mind the jokes, I want you to sewrch the financial services on my fathers company and that kids parents comapany"

Tang yawned walking to his laptop "this is illegal and since when are you intrested in the company"

Shuanghui growled "just do it"

Tang yawned and searched them up

While Tang was doing the searching Shuanghui grabbed his phone and texted both of his older brothers informing them both on whats been going on, he rarely spoke to them but this is the first time hes complained about laotou.

After texting his vrother and waiting for Tang Shuanghui had gotten changed into his usual attire, after a few hours Tang had passed him the info of the 2 companies and even found the current deal that had happened in the last week, printing off 2 copies just as Shuanghui said to "thank you Gege" Shuanghui says before walking out

Tang followed behind, "hey I'm coming with you" hopping on the back of Shuanghui bike before he drives off

Shuanghui headed to the hospital parking up, closely followed by Tang, he headed straight for the room Mengrui was in, he went to walk in but stopped seeing the kids parents are still with him, Tang squeezed up against Shuanghui to see why his buddy stopped taking a look inside "ah the inlaws" he said jokingly"

Shuanghui head darted a glare at Tang "shut it" he growls grabbing Tang, "does this look like a joke to you"

Tang smirked "no, but neither does your caring passion for this kid and his family"

Shuanghui shoved Tang back as Dianfa walked around the corner with some warm drinks, he stared at Shuanghui with the most displeased look ever

"move you are in the way" his cold voice spoke towards Shuanghui

Tang couldn't help but laugh "this kid is tryna order you around"

Shuanghui covers Tangs mouth pushing him out of the way by his head and opened the door for Dianfa "you stay out here" he said glaring at Tang before following Dianfa in.

Tang obediently waited outside a bit of shock on his face, before smirking at the fact his cold brother really does have a heart

Kong Meirong looked up at Shuanghui as he walked in, she stood up and walked towards him, Shuanghui froze for a moment thinking he was going to get another slap but instead she bowd to him

"thank you for bringing him here, and sorry for slapping you earlier" her voice was back to being calm and soothing

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