Chapter 1

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Todoroki Pov

Why did the night have to end up like this? I thought, desperately trying to control my quirk.

The night had started out fun, with dancing and singing.

But someone had to suggest truth or dare. Of course they did.

You see the class had now graduated to there third and second to last year of UA. Deciding to celebrate, Momo had thrown a party at her house with many party favors, including alcohol. With the intoxicating drink in the hands of my classmates, the party went a little bit wild. Kirishima suggested truth or dare and the whole class began to play. I did not really pay attention much for I was busy staring across the room at Bakugou.

He had been my crush ever since the tournament, and even before then I thought he was extremely attractive. Most people saw him as arrogant and prideful, yet during that battle I saw so much more. Those eyes gleamed with a burning passion and determination that is all too rare to find in most people. In addition he really did care about his classmates even if he had an... interesting way of showing it.

So as im drooling over Bakugou the game continued, and I'm pretty sure Kaminari had to charge everyone's phone's at one point. Momo was locked in a room with Mineta for one minute as well. Bakugo had yet to have a turn so when I heard Kirishima ask him " truth or dare?" I paid a little more attention.

I mean, he was kind of the reason I wasn't paying attention to the game anyway.

"What do I look like a pussy Kirishima!? DARE" Bakugou yelled, glaring at the red haired teen. Kirishima sighed, looking around the class for a long moment before his eyes landed on me "I know exactly what I want you to do" Kirishima replied a smirk forming on his face.

I gave him a questioning look before I realized exactly what he was planning. Kirishima along with Deku where the only ones aware of my feelings toward Bakugou. Deku knew because he was like a brother to me and I needed advice on how to deal with these feelings about Bakugou. Emotions are really not my forte so I'm constantly asking Midoryia for advice on a multitude of things. Kirishima learned of this when I was attempting to text Midoriya and sent it to the wrong person resulting in his knowledge of the situation.

So as I saw this devilish grin plastered on his face I knew something was about to go very wrong. Trying to look as uninterested as possible I questioned "What? Why are you looking at me."

Kirishima answered " I'm looking at you because you and bakugou over here are going to stay in a closet for ten minutes as his dare!"

Attempting to remain calm I continued acting irritated and unbothered while on the inside I was screaming. The class laughed and was delighted at such a embarrassing and suggestive dare , meanwhile, Bakugou was pissed, no more than pissed. He was down right furious.

" WHAT THE HELL SHITTY HAIR!!!! NO WAY" Bakugou screeched, explosions going off in his hands. Kirishima didn't even look slightly threatened instead laughing and struggling to reply.

As he managed to calm himself he stated not only to Bakugou but the entire class " If you don't do the dare that's fine". This news made me sigh inwardly with relief and the class began to boo. "Wait let me finish ........ you don't have to do it, but the entire class will know your crushhhhhhhh". 

This sparked immediate outrage from Bakugou and gasps of excitement from the class. However, the statement made me flinch slightly.

He has a crush ..... great. There go all my chances out the window. I wanted to cry at that little statement but then I realized, I should probably stop being sad and start panicking about the dare again.

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