Chapter 9

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Todoroki's POV

It was the day after the incident. I woke up in recovery girls room, completely healed. After that I was allowed to leave. Ever since I have been in my room. I've ignored texts, calls, emails, voicemails. I don't even know how I'm going to go out and face everyone. Hi! My brothers a famous killer who's tried to kill us all for the past three years. God, what would they think, especially Katsuki. I've been in this relationship for only a week and barely seen him at that! And now I find out my brother is the guy who kidnaped him first year. He's gonna hate me.

I've also been thinking about Dabi's words. I can't stop thinking about what he said, it's like a track on replay running through my mind. It's kept me from sleep, eating, talking. I'm worthless, my success is built on my family's name. All I am is a quirk, it may be my own quirk, but I am worthless without it. Even with my quirk I can't even defend myself against a single villain! How am I supposed to save others when I can't even save myself.

I'm pathetic, just pathetic. I come from a bloodline of abusers, and villains, who I'm directly related to. I share blood with them! Am I going to be just like them? All my success was given to me I earned nothing. Even thought I am successful I still can't even do my job correctly. Now the worlds going to see the Todoroki name as a burden. Hero's who are actually assholes and villains. My relationships will be destroyed, everyone will hate me. And if I don't tell anyone it will just get worse, why does life have to be so complicated.

It's like every time I gain some happiness, somethings good happens, something bad has to follow right after. Every time I get to the top of the hill, I get pushed down. The happier I was, the more horrible the bad thing is later down the line. Should I just not be happy? I sighed, looking out the window. Everything look so peaceful outside. It was sunny, birds where singing, animals where alive and searching for food. It looked as though everything was normal. If only my life was fucking normal.

I need to confront father about this at least, he has something to do with those scars. I had no idea Touya was even being treated like that, if I had just done something, anything, I could have prevent so many deaths. It's my fault there all dead, this whole situation is my fault.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. I stayed quiet, praying whoever it was would go away.

"Todoroki, it's Aizawa."

I ran over to the door, opening it to reveal a tired, but sympathetic looking Aizawa.

"Hey, how are you feeling."

"As good as I can be at the moment."

He smiled slightly, however it disappeared quickly.

"You know unfortunately how it goes, I have to ask you questions and police will to. But what exactly happened with the fighting and when you fell into the portal?"He questioned.

Well, Aizawa was a teacher, I know if I asked him something, he would probably agree. I trust him, I'll tell him.

"Well I couldn't exactly fight, they shot a dart into my neck that removed my quirk. I used my blades, however long distance quirk, short distance fighting style. Didn't really work out."

He chuckled.

"Glad I trained you for fighting without your quirk at least."

"Same here. But the next part of the story, I have to ask you to not tell anybody. At least not yet."

"Why, Todoroki What the hell happened?" He was now looking more concerned.

"Can you please just not tell anybody" I pleaded.

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