Chapter 4

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Todoroki's POV

I'm back in my room showered and dressed in some shorts and another one of my fifty thousand tank tops. The rain is still pounding on the windows in steady sheets, and my room is ridiculously cold for some reason. I ignore the tempature and go to sit at my desk which is actually full of art supplies. What many student didn't know about me is I love art and music. With my dad being the flaming piece of shit he is, art was the only way I could ever even try to be relaxed at home. I flip through the pages of drawings which are mostly my class mates. A knock on my door startles me  so I slam my drawing book close and clumsily stumble out of my chair.  Opening the door I see that spiky red hair and I know what's coming.

" Hey-" I cut him off before he can say anything

"Please don't drag me down right now  I promise I will talk to him" I not at all ready.

"Ha so Momo talked to you I see. I was coming to drag your ass down there but right now it seems there's something else you need to take care of." He states his tone going from joking to serious.

"Teach needs to see you for a second it's about that thing with the lightning"

"Damn did Momo tell everyone about that allready?" I question knowing her gossipy nature.

" Yes but it's actually worse thank you think, apparently teach thinks it was an attack based on the footage and he wants to aks you about it" 

" Oh great,  not only do I have to deal with normal teenager shit but someone wants to kill me to? Great just what I needed" I grumbled as Kirishima beckons me to follow him down the hallway. One elevator ride later and we are in the lobby where Aizawa was waiting. 

" Todorki I assume Kirishima told you what this was about?" He asked motioning for me to take a seat on the couch. Kirishima went to leave when Aizawa spoke again.

"You stay as well I'll need you both to spread this information to those who left this weekend to stay with there parents."

We both looked at each other and nodded, and as Kirishima took a seat Aizawa began to inform us on what was going on. 

" So today when you where almost struck by lightning it was not actually just a freak accident. It appears that a unidentifiable man who has recently been with the leauge of villains was the cause of the lightning. His quirk seems to be weather manipulation so be on the look out. We don't know how he got on and off campus so quickly but there could be more attacks soon or that could have easily been a diversion. So if you see anthying  weird report it to me. And Todoroki, we have no idea if they are targeting you but be especially wary. That's all now I'm going back to sleep"  he began to walk away just leaving me and Kirishima to sit there for a few awkward seconds before I got up.

"Ok well that's that then.  I'll just be happily on my way the-"

"WAIT JUST A SECOND THERE!" Kirishima interjected. 

" Dude he is worried about what happened. Seriously worried. And he NEVER shows when he is worried. Well right now he is showing it a lot. He thinks he fucked up completly and it got worse when we saw you run down the stairs earlier."

Wait...Bakugo's.....worried? An ugly feeling of shame and guilt fills my mind as I realize how this looks from his perspective. I broke the kiss, froze the closet, and ran away multiple times. Even if they where out of embarrassment he doesn't know that. 

" Oh my god he thinks I hate him." I realized, my face most likely showing obvious worry.

" Yeah he does. Just be honest with him!" Advises Kirishima. Recalling that little conversation I had with Momo I remember to call Kirishima out before I forget.

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