Chapter 6

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Walking to class from the dorms, I rubbed my eyes groggily. Again, I got a horrible sleep due to my room being super cold again. I couldn't figure out why either, needless to say it was annoying.  Not to mention I was super grumpy when I found out I couldn't visit my mother. It turns out there was a new hospital that was built, and they where transferring patients. It was only ten minutes away, which was great but it would make seeing Fuyumia harder.  Sighing I continued on my way to class. I also have that little bet I made with Bakugou, I have to win that. However that means we a have to act normal, which is going to be super hard. We almost where never seen together in class, so I can't even try to stand by him. 


A worried group of Uraraka, Idia, and Deku rush up to me.

"Are you ok!" Exclaims Midoryia

"Yes? Why do you guys look worried?" I inquired.

"Kirshima texted everyone about the lightning thing!" Uraraka chirps.

"Oh, yeah.... that. I honestly kind of forgot about it." I reply scratching my neck. It didn't really feel out of the norm since the Leauge of Villians was always trying to kill some of us anyway.

"That's Todoroki for you!" States Idia. "Life or death situations don't even phase you!"

I nodded, are group now walking towards the campus. In front of us I heard angry yelling and as we neared the school, I saw Kirishima and Bakugou. I guess I must have been staring at the blond because Uraraka suddenly pipes up from behind me.

"So how's it with Bakugou? Yah know after Friday and everything"

In response ........ I choke on my spit. Smooth Shouto, real smooth.

"Oh! Sorry I didn't mean to startle you!" She apologizes. Deku and Idia are also paying attention to are  little conversation. 

"Oh, ah, it's fine, who told you?" I asked, glaring at Deku. Did he really have to tell her? 

"Oh no it wasn't Deku! Momo.....kinda told everyone actually?" Ah, of course it was her. Awesomeeeeeee. Today couldn't get any better. I was running on like, two hours of sleep, and now have to deal with my classmates questions. 

"Of course she did. And Deku, why did you tell me the entire class figured out my feelings towards.....him?" 

All three of them gave each other guilty looks when I asked the question.

"Well, a little white lie never hurt anybody...." muttered Midoryia, obviously embarrassed I called him out.

"But Todoroki, we are all dying to know, did you talk to him!" She confessed, looking eager to know. 

"Me and Idia as well, what happened?" Midoryia added. All of them stared quite intensely at me which was way more attention than I wanted. 

That all to familiar heat rose to my face. I can't tell them! I have to win!

"I ....think I'm going to head to class!" I babbled, speed walking off past the group and even passing Kirishima and Bakugou. Great, now because of my reaction they will know something happened. I'll never hear the end of it. I didn't even dare look at Bakugou as I ran past and just made my way to the classroom.  I was early, ten minutes early, but it gave me some time to breathe a little. Taking a seat, I just acted like my normal, nonchalant self.  Nothing different about me, totally not dying inside. I sighed.

Bakugou's POV

"Keep it down shitty hair!" 

They red haired idiot was squealing like a fan girl. I had just told him about that night, and all that happened and if he didn't stop squealing, he was gonna regret asking! I slapped a hand over his mouth, ignoring the loud whines of protest. I had told him everything, well everything he needed to know to help me win this bet. 

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