Chapter 22

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Shouto's POV

"Aw, poor little Shouto Todoroki." The voice taunted, dancing throughout my head, driving me crazy.

"LEAVE ME ALONE." I screamed, tears streaming down my face as I ran through the darkness, yet seemingly moving backwards. Backwards into the hands belong to the voice.  I couldn't breath as those hands constricted so tightly around my throat, that oh so familiar voice laughing maniacally. Then those hands loosened and I fell, and kept falling, screaming into the darkness.

"It's your fault

You killed them 

Your not strong enough


Kill yourself"

The voices echoed in my empty head, bouncing around, spinning. 

"STOP" I begged, I pleaded.  But the pain wouldn't stop, it only grew at my pathetic cries. I hit a black floor with a loud thump, the last of my breath being forced out of my lungs harshly. I stood up shakily to see who was creating the loud cackling. How could I ever forget those blue, icy eyes. 

"You underestimate me quite a lot little brother."

I stood there frozen, unable to move or speak. Unable to do anything.

"You remember what I told you? I know your not that stupid. Your whole life's going to turn to ash, and it's your fault." He sneered.

Suddenly a figure appeared, but I can't make out there features. Who is it? Suddenly Dabi ignited, horrible blue flames rolling off his arm threateningly. 

I felt a wave of panic and fear course through my body. He's going to kill them. 

"And now ——— is going to die because of you."

Suddenly, in the most horrifying manner, Dabi's figure twisted and transformed. Those bright blue flames where now.......they where rolling off my own arm. I was standing there about to kill someone. 

"Shouto, I love you." The figure in shadow spoke, sounding oh so familiar. Who was it? Fuyumia!? Mom!? Why am I doing this?! WHY AM I DOING THIS?!

"STOP! DON'T!" I lunged forward trying to stop myself from killing.....but it was to late. I felt a wave of heat roll across my face as I shrieked.

"NO!" I cried, waking up violently. I couldn't breath, the adrenaline still moving in my veins. It was a dream, just a dream......

It took a few minutes for the chest pains to stop, and even after that I still felt like shit. That one....that was the worst one so far. I looked around my cold empty room, finding my alarm clock. It was twelve.........two hours of sleep.......

Everyone else was still sleeping in there dorms I'm sure, I hope I didn't scream to loudly. I laid back in the sweaty sheets, exhausted but unable to sleep. It's been one whole week....but it feels like a year. I don't ever remember feeling like this, not even in my younger years. Back then I was just numb and angry. Now I feel nothing but weight on my chest, crushing me. Never letting up, never giving me a break. I can't get it out of my head, thoughts of my mother and Fuyumia, of that night, have turned my mind into a puddle. Yet, above all of that, I can't stop thinking about him.....Touya. 

It's like he's infected my mind, I'm so paranoid. What's he going to do next? Where will he strike? How do I stop him? What does he know?

I'm slowly losing grip on reality....I'm not stupid, but I don't know how to hold on. Everyone has tried to be so helpful.....but I still feel so alone. Katsuki.....oh god, I know he wants to help. Yet, after what happened I don't want to hurt him again. And what if he comes after the class next? What if he comes after......

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2020 ⏰

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