Chapter 15

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Katsukis POV.

"Don't leave me!"

This was my fault, if I had just gotten to school sooner, if I hadn't lost my phone...anything! He wouldn't by dying in my hands. The stupid moron even stood up to help me, I should have stopped him! That could have killed him!

Shouto was in front of me, splayed out on the ice, the cherry red liquid disturbing the blue serenity of the ice. There where security guards everywhere, looking for Toga. She ran, the fucking coward! As soon as the ice froze over she knew she would have been fucked trying to doge on the icy surface. That bitch! Her words still echoed in my mind.

"Sorry if I killed him, but doesn't he look so pretty?"

"Dabi will be happy to know about you, he would love to meet you!"

"He's bleeding out rather fast isn't he, should I stab him again so it goes faster?"

"His voice is very pretty, especially when he's doing that adorable whimper don't yah think!"


I was holding Shouto's hand as recovery girl and a large amount of her staff gathered around him. After the amount of injuries increasing at the school, along with the attacks, recovery girl thought it was best to have a little hospital. I couldn't tell if Shouto was unconscious or not, his eyes kept flickering open and closed. His hand, it was grabbing mine....I could feel it.

"Please...fight it! Live! This...this is my fault....I don't want to live in a world without you!"

I kept muttering phrases, ignoring everyone if it was just me and him. I just feel so useless, I didn't win the fight, he did. All because the bitch used him as an advantage. My quirks only which with normal villains I can overcome. I can make explosions super small or large, but Toga was no ordinary villain. For someone who's basically quirk less in battle she can dodge better than most. That's not excuse, I should have stopped her! No matter what!

"We need to get him to the OR NOW!" Recovery girl yelled. I reluctantly backed away from him, giving them room to move him. I didn't notice it but there was one of those pushable hospital bed things already prepped to go. I....I can't follow him anymore. Only doctors in the OR. All I can do is sit here and A USELESS PEICE OF SHIT.

"BAKUGOU YOU COME TO! WE UNFORTUNATELY NEED YOU!" Recovery girl instructed. Wait, why? Doctors are only suppose to go! And why do they need my help? Running along side them, I put a hand on the bed to push it faster.

"Why the bloody hell do you need me?! I don't know anything about medicine! And why the hell is it unfortunate?"

"Unfortunately......there is one more spot on my staff that hasn't been filled yet.....we don't have an Anesthesiologist...." she explained TERRIBLY.

"What the hell is an Anesthesiologist?"

"There the ones who administer the drugs that makes the patient fall asleep and stay asleep during the procedure basically. Usually my quirk makes them fall asleep anyway. However the blood has to come out of his lungs before I can even use my quirk to heal him. You....your going to either have to hold him down or calm him down, unless he's out cold but we have to take precautions.....none of us are exactly strong enough to hold him down.....your going to have to try and put restraints on him..but if you can't do it fast enough then forget it, we can't wait....when we get in there we start immediately."

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