chapter 3

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All right I got some explaining to do.

I just got outa school so now I can write all I want

I know I have not written in a long time but I wanted to really focus on  my grades

But the new schedule will be at least every Friday there will be a new chapter and possibly more during the week now that it's summer!

Now enjoy Todoroki's gay panick 


Todoroki's POV

I woke to the sound of pattering againts the walls, followed by a slight boom. I groaned, opening my eyes and turning over in my soft, silky , white sheets to glance at the window. However, I could not see outside at all due to the downpour of rain. Closing my eyes again, I snuggled back into the warm covers. Wait, what time is it? I questioned, while my had reached out from the covers for my phone.  Turning it on, My eyes where small slits as I adjusted to the bright light of the screen. 

"Why the fuck are there so many messages" I mumbled tiredly.

Most where from Kirishima asking about........OH MY GOD!

I sat bolt upright feeling a slight heat rise to my face, I was defiantly awake now.  How was I even going to get through today? I am almost defiantly going to run into him and I have no clue what to even say! I ruffled my messy candy can like hair while trying to figure out a plan. I was already twelve, damn I never sleep in this much, wonder why my alarm didn't go off.  I put my phone down vowing to not even touch it and have to face this embarrassing situation. Hopping sloppily out of bed I begin my morning routine of changing into new clothes, brushing my teeth, combing my hair the usually stuff. 

Chosing  the comfortable option I slip on my grey sweatpants and a black tank top, looking back outside. The rain had let up slightly, but only slightly. I want to exercise, it helps me clear my thoughts, but someone's proboly in there and I just wanna be alone.....and I do love the rain.....fuck it I'll go for a run.  Grabbing my running shoes I quickly slip them on and exit my room closing the door behind me. Now that I'm out of my room I get slightly nervous at the though of even being in the same building as Bakugou. 

"Get a fucking grip and save the gay panick for later" I scolded myself.

Yet before I could even try to follow my advice, two people came out of the elevator. I saw that spiky red hair from a mile away and didn't need to look to know who was with him. 

I had about two seconds before they saw me and I used them to frantically run towards the stairs. Did they see me, I have no idea. If they called me I couldn't hear it over my heart that was racing at breakneck speeds. God, now that I think about it, the fact I'm running away from the problem is proboly gonna make it worse in the future....god I am litterly known as the expressionless, calm, and level headed student this is so out of character. 

Sighing heavily, I fly down the last flight of stairs and shove the door open to the half common room half kitchen area. Surprisingly, no ones there leaving me free to grab some food before I leave. My eyes spy some muffins and I snatch one before walking towards the main entrance. Whilst stuffing my face with the muffin I stare outside at UA. The weather was now a steady even poor of rain and the clouds cast dark shadows over the school, giving a somber and mysterious feel. Finishing eating I opened the door to the fresh smell of rain on the grass. Stepping outside I was getting soaked, but didn't mind since the rain felt soothing in a way. Looking up st the sky I began to run, taking even, steady breaths and short fast strides. I ran through the school grounds and eventually the city making random turns here and there. This left my mind to ponder over the events of last night 

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