Chapter 7

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Todoroki's POV

Sweat. Lots of sweat. I was pushing myself, more than usual. But all I could see was red tendrils flowing through the air. Red and orange and yellow slithering and flickering around me in a heated rage. Ahh, damn it! I was so close! I was just about to break the barrier. Blue damn it I need blue!

It was a hot day outside, with blue skys and few clouds. About a hundred feet away from me, Midoryia and Bakugou where training on both sides of me. I killed my flames, letting the thrity first fire roasted dummy fall to the floor. This had been the past week of my life. Since we discovered the vent, there was a huge sweep of the school. Unfortunatly, another one was found in Bakugous room.

So for the past week we have been under high security, for are safety of course. However that means we can't see anyone outside of class. It sucked. Yet me and Midoryia had finished are work for the next two weeks, we where aloud to train just outside the classroom. We could look up to see are classroom so Aizawa could keep an eye on us. Funnily enough, a day after we got permision Bakugou finished his work. So now he was training as well. However we had about five security gaurds watching us. They would finally leave today but god, it was slightly annoying. I was almost a professional hero. The only reason they are here ia because of my father.

Yeah. The number one hero insisted on me having security, and that if I didn't he would scrutinize the school for it. UA can't handle that right now. With the Leauge of Villians being more powerful than ever and attacks on the school rising, the media was turning on the school. Unfortunatly, Endevor has a massive hold over the public being the number one hero. What confuses me is that he is trying to protect me. He never cared about that, and he would actually rather me gain experience fighting villians. Maby its just to make my life hell, but it sure is annoying. Along with that, poor Bakugou had to have the smae security because we where both seemingly being targeted.

So for the past copple of days I have been burning traning dummy after training dummy trying to break the barrier between my fire being red and my fire being blue. Over the past years I have mastered using both fire and ice at the same time. So the best option to improve my ability is to increase my heat. However it is not as easy as it sounds.

I have to balance pushing my fire to the limit while regulating my body tempature with my ice at the same time. But then I cant use to much ice because it will cool off the fire. Yet if I use to little I burn up. Oh and I have to increase the amount of ice I make with the tempature of the fire. All at the same time.

I look down at the burnt dummy, got to grab another one I guess. Now I'm thinking about this week, and it has not been all bad. Traning with Bakugou and Midoryia, while they argue alot, has been fun. Plus it's the only time I get to see Bakugou, and he's exercising. Watching that godly body move........not very good for my physical health. Especially in the morning.......its annoying how fucking hot he is sometimes.

Now I go to grab yet another dummy to be my victim, when I notice that there all gone. Great, did I really just deplete the entire supply of traning dummies. Sighing I walked closer to Bakugous traning area, which was the same as allways. He had a barrel of boling water he stuck his hands into, making large explosions. Since his first year, he has been able to increse the size of his explosions by ten times almost. Just the shockwaves alone can knock you on your ass.

"HEY BAKUGOU!" I shouted.

More explosions followed. Damn he cant here me. Sighing I walk closer icing my body knowing what was proboly about to happen. There was a plus though. Those damn gaurds wouldnt follow because those damn explosions scared the shit out of them. As I got closer I could feel the ground shake and dust was swirling in the air. After the next explosion went off I yelled again.

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