Chapter 17

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Authors note: I pulled a little ol switchero on yah! I just want to thank you all so much, I can't believe  how far this books has gotten, and it's all thanks to you!  I mean sixteen thousand reads! I can't even begin to realize how large that number is! I can't and will never stop thanking you guys! I'm sorry this story hasn't been updated recently, life's gotten a little crazy over here. You can expect updates to come out sooner than they have been but about ever week to two weeks. Now after all that sadness I think you all deserve to see are favorite ship having some fun!  Also this is a long ass chapter so just know you'll be sitting down for awhile. Grab your Headphones because it's time to party! That's right it's fucking PROM! You will defiantly need headphones because there are going to be more than a few songs to listen to in this chapter! I hope you have fun reading this and jamming out!

Shouto's POV


It's been a month since I've returned to classes, and life honestly couldn't be better. Training has been going well, my flames are getting hotter overall on average and my hand to hand combat has improved greatly. Besides school, I've been hanging out with everyone a lot more,  especially Katsuki. It's been great, and I couldn't be happier. Speaking of Katsuki, are relationships been going great, amazing actually. I..I haven't actually been sleeping in my dorm.....and I don't think I've ever slept this well in my life. However right now, it was Wednesday, and I was speaking to Aizawa outside of the classroom about.........prom!?

"Where going to have a prom!?" I exclaimed. I was shocked, UA has never done a Senior Prom before, hell they have never done a Prom before period! And with all the resources at there would be the best prom in history!!!!!!

"Yes...Principal Nezu believes this would be highly beneficial. We are a month out from the halfway  mark, which is huge. You all have half a year left. In addition there have been which have happened that have greatly effected you all. You need something normal to be honest. Plus it shows the media that where strong and displays just a good image overall." Aizawa explained groggily. This is all great, really exciting honestly......but why's he just telling me this?

"What's this all have to do with me? And when's this all happening?"  I questioned.

"Well.....Nezu wants you to organize the prom. You'll have help from Midoryia Bakugou, and Momo since you four can afford to skip a few training days and Momo can make almost anything. You will have until Friday night to set up are actually normal gym and we have almost every resource ready and it should follow the guidelines of a regular high school prom with formal clothes and such."

Me?! I'm organizing....a prom? A hundred ideas where already flying through my head. Well need decorations and food obviously, music as well and not that shitty stuff they play at middle school dances, like real music. What should the theme be? Oh my gosh are we going to have a Queen or King? Holy crap and I only have till Friday night? Is there already a set theme?

" there already a set theme? And.....why me? Why not Midoryia or Katsuki?"

"The theme is up to you. And you seem the most suited to plan this, if Midoryia did it it would be all Might themed and if Bakugou was in charge this would be explosion themed or something like that. We already have invitations going out tonight about the event. It says to show up in formal attire with a date and that the theme is a surprise. Oh and I almost forgot, take this, I'll be handing it out to everyone but it's if you want to run for King or Queen. That's really all the set guidelines. I'm sure you've got this..let me go grab Midoryia and Bakugou."

Aizawa then proceeded to walk back into the class, leaving me.....super fucking stressed. Organizing this wouldn't be that hard....I just have to figure out a theme and plan out the decorations. After that it's easy. So since they have almost everything I need here. Yet....I have no fucking idea what the theme should be. Should I just do something cliche and ordinary or something really unique and out of this world? Agh....fuck I'm screwed.

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