Chapter 21

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Katsukis POV

Two days. It's been two whole days since the incident. It was all over the news, international TV showing a video of the horrid events.

And it's been Two days since Shouto has come out of his room. Aizawa told us not to see him, but I want to desperately. Knowing he was hurting more than he ever has in his life. It was hurting me. 

"So when he tries to face this threat alone, just be there for him, please."

That's what his mother told me. To be there for him. I need to be there for him.

I was sitting on my bed, the sky outside overcast on this bitter Monday morning. School was canceled just to ensure the Leauge of Villains wouldn't attack. I'd been staring at the celling for hours, debating on weather to go to Shouto, or give him space. It was so hard to follow Aizawa rules after seeing what happened. 

I couldn't stop thinking about what happened.

No one could.

It was hard not to think about it, and god that sounds so selfish because none of us can begin to imagine what Shouto is going through. But I felt so empty. Shouto is so strong, emotionally stronger than all of us. And he broke apart right in front of us. 

The strongest person, having there life torn apart like paper. Shattering like glass. And I'm so scared. No, I'm terrified he's going to try and pick up that shattered glass and cut himself deeper instead of letting me help him.

Or maybe 

Just maybe 

He'll blame himself for it.

And he will cut himself deeper on purpose 

That's it, I have to go see him.

I can't let that happen.

I got out of bed, and stormed out of my room and towards the elevator.

Then the doors opened to reveal Aizawa, looking unsurprised to see me.

"Bakugou, where are you going?" He asked. Well fuck.

"I was going to get some food." I lied.

"Ah Huh. Look I know you where going to try and see Todoroki. And that's fine. I was coming to ask you to go check on him, since you two are extremely close." Aizawa explained. I blinked, surprised.

"..thank you." I mumbled, stepping into the elevator as he stepped off. 

"And Bakugou.....please....let him know he's not alone." Aizawa asked, just before those doors closed.

Even Aizawa wants to help him......but they all know they can't reach him. Everyone thinks I'm the only one who can reach out to him in the dark.......and I don't know if he will take my hand.

Shouto's POV 

Empty. I feel so empty. Like a shell. How long has it been? Days? Weeks? Years? I have no idea. I'm just lying here on my floor. The same spot for however long it's been. My lights not even on. Crying, alone, in the cold dark. Sometimes I couldn't stop thinking about what happened, my mind cycling through every detail, tormenting me, and I wouldn't be able to stop the tears. Other times I couldn't stop thinking about every moment I've spent with them, and how nothing like that would ever be able to happen again.......because of me. 

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