Chapter 11

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Shouto's POV

I was so tired, that seems to be a common theme in my life lately. Me, Fuyumia, and Katsuki had returned to UA. I told Aizawa the situation and he was extremely helpful. Fuyumia was staying in her own room on the fifth floor with me, Momo, Sero, and Satou. She was right next to Momo since they knew each other well. Katsuki and I both had to be questioned by the police. The difference, Katsukis questioning took twenty minutes. Mine took TWO HOURS. Every damned detail was forced out from me, from the exact words Dabi said, to the fucking texture of the floor. By the time I was going to bed, it was two in the fucking morning. Sleep was out the window. Now, it's nine in the morning and I have gotten no sleep.

I groaned turning on my side in the comfortable sheets, not wanting to get up at all. I have to, I just really don't fucking want to. Luckily I was excused from school for two days, but that didn't really help if I couldn't get some rest. I turned again, I was restless, tossing and turning back and forth, over and over. I can't fucking do this anymore!

I sat up, quickly fixing my hair and putting on some sweatpants and a tank top. Huh, this was the same thing I was wearing when I went on that run, gosh, that seems forever ago. Besides that, what the hell am I going to do!? I just need to do something!? Exercise is probably a bad idea with the lack of sleep and my burned shoulder. Plus, I need to relax, exercising is helpful, not relaxing. What's always relaxing? Drawing? Fuck I've drawn everyone under the damn sun five times at this Fuck, when's the last time I was even aloud to play piano, guitar, the violin? Those guards wouldn't let me go anywhere but my class and back to my room. Yeah, I'll defiantly suck ass because I haven't been practicing but it's something to do at least, hopefully the music rooms open. Well it's always open. That last song I was working on, it was honestly one of my favorites. I begin the short walk over the the main part of campus, hearing rather loud explosions on my trip over.

Eventually the path I was taking lead to that open field,, don't think about that. Yet, Katsuki was still there, barrel of boiling water, hands pointed to the sky, dust and rubble surrounding him in a hazy cloud before settling back to the ground. I couldn't help but smile, could I be more lucky to have this man in my life? Let alone be my boyfriend? To be able to see the soft side of someone usually so guarded, it can really make you feel special. Agh, I'm getting distracted, I kept walking eventually entering the building. Only a few rooms from the exit was the music room. Few students realized it existed, and I was the only one who used it. For a closet musician like me it was a treasure trove, almost every instrument in existence was in there. I could play many, but I was really only good at three. Piano, violin, and guitar. Most of the songs I played on the violin where classical, however on the guitar and piano I played more pop songs. Looking into the room I saw that beautiful, sleek grand piano on the small stage.

I walked over remembering the last song I was playing, a rather old pop song. It was honestly one of my favorites during my childhood. No matter how sad I was I would always get this feeling inside my chest when I listened to it. The people singing it where still really popular, Coldplay I think they where called? Yeah, and there was a female singing to, I just don't remember her name. I'm not really good with famous people names, unless there hero's. But even the name of the song, I can't ever remember it, even though I know every word. I sat down on the black leather stool, placing my fingers and ever so lightly against the keys, and I began to play.

(The music Shouto is playing is a piano version of hymn for the weekend by Franceso Parrino on youtube! Listen to it!)

The first Keys started off in a beautiful harmony, light and happy. I pressed the Keys up and down the piano, creating a perfect melody. Then the lyrics came and, you can't describe the feeling of the music. It's uplifting and happy yes, but there's just so much more to it than that. The feeling of the music you can't just label with one word. It's funny, how we can label some music as instantly sad, scary, happy. There all instantly associated with a single emotion. Yet, the best music will never be associated with one single emotion, it will drag multiple into this mixing pot of notes, keys, and tempo. As I continued playing up and down my fingers flowed like water, lightly tapping note after note. Telling this story of someone who was saved by love, as they are high on the feeling of being around this person. Ah, there's a better way to describe the song, not happy or peppy. It's a song full of love, more than a person can express in just words, the notes are practically dripping with the feeling.

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