8 - {Can You Sing To Me?}

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Wonho's POV

My ex was literally talking to me for half an hours. I honestly didn't wanna have a conversation with him and I wanted to help Hyungwon with the equipment because his knee was still hurt. But every time I made a move to leave he would hold my wrist and start another conversation as if I cared.

Thank God his manager called him to get ready or whatever and I returned to Hyungwon.

"Oh wow look who decided to come help" Hyungwon said in an ironic way and I felt quite bad for leaving him alone but I couldn't do anything to leave. So I just stayed quiet.

The fashion show began and we both started taking photos. Hyungwon being visible uncomfortable because of his knee but still doing his job professionally.

Once the fashion show ended we started picking up the whole equipment. Hyungwon was now red and sweating, probably because of working so hard.

There he was again, my ex, decided to come back and start another conversation with me while I really wanted to leave so that I could get Hyungwon to a hospital.

"Excuse me for a minute Hyungwon. Once I'm finished we'll head out to the hospital." I told him to at least inform him.

"S-sure" he said in a weak voice. I'm not sure if I should leave him alone. But I promise I'm gonna stay for only 5 minutes just to not look rude.

So I was in front of my ex while he was talking about the previous fashion show for which I didn't really care when I saw Hyungwon holding his knee looking like he was in extreme pain and soon after falling to the floor.

I said a quick bye without waiting for a reply and approached Hyungwon. I lowered down and saw him crying, he was red and I touched his head realizing that he was burning, he had a fever.

I called a taxi and waited for it to come. I asked Hyungwon to roll up his jeans so that I could see his knee. I advised him to look away. He was hesitant but did it anyway.

The situation was worse than I imagined. There was a scratch but not just that. The area was swollen, red and there was a blister looking like a burning scar. I sighed.

"Is it that bad?" Hyungwon asked.
I didn't answer.
"Wonho please tell me, is it that bad?" Hyungwon asked again in a desperate tone.

"It looks really bad, it's swollen and not only that. Let's see though you never know." I told him trying to sound as calm and optimistic as I could.

I touched his forehead and it was still burning. If the taxi doesn't come here in 5 minutes he'll probably faint.

'Ah fuck, where is the damn taxi?!" I yelled. Hyungwon sitting on the floor with his back resting on the wall, kinda dazed and dizzy because of his high fever, shushed me.

" Shh please don't yell, my- my head" he told me and I took his hand in mine.

"Hoseok." Hyungwon said weakly and I hummed in response. "I ne-never wanted us to b-break up. W-why did y-you cheat on me? W-was I not good en-enough?" he said and I was quite confused. I never cheated on him. I would remember it. I'd KNOW it. Or he just didn't know what he was saying. Yeah that's probably it.

The taxi came and I asked the driver to come help me carry Hyungwon. Then we left as fast as possible and we were at the hospital in only 10 minutes. The kind, polite driver offered to come inside and help us communicate with the doctors.

The three of us went inside and a nurse approached us. The driver spoke with her and she turned to me and told me to take Hyungwon to the doctor and then asked me to leave them alone.

I waited in the hallway with the driver waiting for them to come out and tell us what's happening.

After half an hour the doctor came out and thank God he knew Korean.

"Okay so you friend's knee isn't in its best condition. He suffers from cellulitis. A bacterial skin infection that could be serious if you waited for another day to come here. As I saw there is a scratch on his knee which allowed bacteria to enter. I applied an ointment and wrapped up his knee area. I also have him a painkiller for the fever. We're gonna have to keep him here tonight in case he has high fever again. You can stay here with him or leave and we'll inform you to come get him." he said finishing with a small smile.

I told him that I prefer to stay here. I went to the taxi driver and told him that he can leave now. I also proceeded to pay him for all his help but he refused to take my money since he realized that we're foreigners and needed help. I thank him and he left.

I went inside Hyungwon's room and approached his bed. His knee was wrapped up and touching his forehead I realized that his fever isn't as high anymore. I sat on the chair beside him although there was another bed next to his. But I wanted to hold his hand.

"Hoseok" he weakly said not opening his eyes.

"I'm here" I reassured him. I wouldn't leave him alone. No matter what has happened between us I would never let him on his own in a situation like this.

"Can you sing to me?" he asked me in the most adorable way. He would always ask me to sing to him when he was sick or sad.

"Sure" I said with a smile. I started singing The Little Prince by Ryeowook. It's was his favorite song, I don't know if it still is but I saw him getting more relaxed.

When I finished singing I realized that he had fallen asleep. I kissed his forehead and went to lay on the bed.

I still love Hyungwon.
Maybe things between us will get better.


Hey my lovely angeeeels.
I wanna thank you for 1k reads and for still sticking to this below average story.
I hope you like this chapter, I feel like I made it to dramatic but that's how it came out.
Also you better listen to The Little Prince by Ryeowook because it's a really beautiful song.
Have a good day/night love youu

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