15 - {Hold Me Before...}

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Wonho's POV

If people ask me what I love the most on Hyungwon I'm gonna make two categories; one is based on his features and the other is based on his personality.

From his features, I so so love his eyes. They're so big and expressive, they hide a thousand of emotions that he may not show at first sight, but once someone get closer and notice his eyes they'll instantly understand Hyungwon a bit more. I also love his nose, it's so cute, its shape is so beautiful and like so fluffy, I don't know how to explain it, but I can always feel the softness when touch his cute little nose.

As for his personality; At first glance someone might think of him as a cold person, a narcissist maybe because of his resting kinda bitch face. But I think that's just a facade in order for him not to let people in so easily. His true self is so pure and innocent, as if he's a child sometimes. He's also really vulnerable. He loved receiving love and attention not because he was what you call an "attention whore" but because he wouldn't receive those during his childhood.

Hyungwon grew up with a family that was barely at home. His brother studying abroad for 4 years and deciding to stay abroad as well. His parents would leave for work early in the morning and return late at night so it was practically impossible for Hyungwon to see them. He did spend some night waiting for them but him, adoring his beauty sleep, couldn't stay awake for that long. Although they did try to have fun together as a family during weekends or celebrations. It was a loving family, the circumstances were just making it a little difficult for all of them. Now that his parents retired Hyungwon talks to them more. He calls them almost daily and sometimes they are the ones who call.

"What are you thinking?" I heard Hyungwon saying from beside me. I didn't realize he was awake until I heard his soft voice.

"What made me fall in love with you" I told him honestly and he look at me with a toothy smile that made his eyes almost disappear.

"And that is?" he asked a little bit more curiously.

"Honestly speaking? Every single thing, every little detail." I told him holding his cheeks with my hands.

"Lately I'm wondering... If we were still together during these two years, we would probably be married by now" Hyungwon said and caught me off guard but after only a little thought, I realized that he was right.

"Who do you think would propose first?" I asked him smiling.

"Knowing how cheesy and soft you are, you'd propose first." Hyungwon said moving his face on top of mine smiling, as if he was studying it.

I didn't want to admit it so I just changed the subject reminding Hyungwon that we had another fashion show today. Hyungwon scoffed as if he didn't want to be reminded. And honestly I didn't want either.

I don't wanna spent my evening in a venue with many not so well dressed models who never smile and an audience who is clapping with no interest in what they're seeing.

I want to spend the evening in the town, maybe go to a restaurant with Hyungwon, try the french cuisine, do literally anything other than go to the fashion show. But job is job, and we came here because of that so we gotta stick to the schedule.

In the meantime Hyungwon got ready and suggested that we can have breakfast outside. I quickly changed and we went out.

The wind was a little colder than what the season allows. But it felt refreshing, I could feel the spring breeze and smell all the flowers that decorated the city, we were walking down the streets that look as if we have applied some vintage filter. It was so beautiful, I will never in my life forget what I'm feeling right now, love; love for the city and for the person walking behind me humming a song that only he can understand its melody.

There was so much traffic though and I took Hyungwon's hand in mine "to keep as both safe"

"Sure baby that's exactly why you're holding my hand" Hyungwon said and kissed my cheek softly, I was probably blushing by then.

We arrived at a small café and Hyungwon ordered for us.

"I ordered an iced americano and a piece of chocolate cake for me and a latte caramel with a piece of cheesecake for you" Hyungwon said sitting across the table.

I was a little shocked.
"You still remember what I would ordered in cafe's?"

"Of course. Wonho I never forgot you no matter how much I tried." we then started talking about everything and nothing. I also learned that back in Korea, when he would be sad, he would travel to his hometown and spend time with their family dog that they got a year and a half ago. I literally melted even at the thought of Hyungwon hugging and playing with a small dog.

Once we went out the traffic was still all over the streets. We waited for a traffic light to show the green sighn and once it did I walk on the front.

"Wonho no be careful!" was the last think I remember hearing.


Your favorite author (#not) is backkk.
It's 2:30am so if you find ant mistake I'm sorryyy.
Love youu.

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