11 - {Date.}

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3rd person's POV

After changing into something lighter and thinner, the two boys left the hotel once again.

While now walking to the opposite direction, Hyungwon asked Wonho to show him the pictures he took.

He realized that most of them had him in them and asked Wonho how come.

"I can't not picture beauty." Wonho said cheesily and Hyungwon blushed but tried to hide it with laughing and pushing Wonho jokingly.

While eating something for lunch and getting another coffee they came across some street singers singing some French song.

"The singer is really beautiful" Wonho said but soon after adding "But not as beautiful as you"

Hyungwon cringed and laughed hard while Wonho was smiling with his gummies once again and then laughed too.

They continued walking.

Hyungwon's POV

"Race you to the fountain" I heard Wonho say and he started running. I'm not gonna let him of course.

I started running as well but then I pretended that my my knee was hurting and crouched down. Wonho turned and got worried so he approached me and crouched as well.

I saw his face and told him "Bye bitch" got up and started running to the fountain.

I heard him laugh and came walking towards me.
"You're stupid." he said smiling. Doesn't his face hurt with all the smiling today? Mine surely does, along with my heart when I see his smile.

We found a small lake with ducks in it and approached it. Wonho was so happy to see the ducks, like a small child. He then started taking photos and I moved a little bit going to some stairs to sit. I got the book out again and read some more. I may not know really good English but I can read unlike Wonho.

Wonho's POV

After taking some pictures I got up and searched for Hyungwon. I saw him sitting, reading that book he bought this morning. When he felt me he turned to me and smiled. He was honestly so beautiful. I'm trying so hard the whole day to not kiss him ugh.

I sat beside him and looked at his book. I couldn't understand what it was saying but still I got it from his hands and started looking at it. He then ruffled my hair cutely and took his book back.

3rd person's POV

After 10 minutes they got up and started walking again. They stopped in front of a beautiful shingle, more like a painting with the quote on it "love is love; when you love someone, you never stop loving them"

Wonho's POV

After reading it, I turned to Hyungwon. For a moment I realized just how much I love him, just how much I'll always love him.

And then I turned back to looking at it.

Hyungwon's POV

After reading it, I turned to Wonho. No matter what he has done, I'll always love him. I always thought we were soulmates. Even after we broke up I still believed that we were soulmates, my ego just never let me admit it.

And then I turned back to looking at it.

3rd person's POV

They both sighed silently and started walking again. The sun was now setting. They wanted to do one more thing before they could visit the Eiffel Tower with its lights on; ride a carousel.

It's funny how they both looked at each other once they spotted the carousel. Even while riding it, Wonho wouldn't stop taking photos of Hyungwon. So Hyungwon decided to turn his head and actually smile widely at the camera, at him.

After riding the carousel and walking around a little bit more, the sun was fully down. Lights were gracing the whole city, it's not called the City of Lights for nothing. It was honestly beautiful.

Both boys adored the moment they were in front of the Tower. It made them feel completed in a weird way. And of course after some time Wonho started taking photos.

Hyungwon being tired of being the only model asked a person to take a photo of them together. Wonho was shocked but really happy that Hyungwon wanted a photo together.

This continued for at least 3 or 4 photos. Every time Wonho made a move to return to his camera, Hyungwon would hold his hand for just another photo. He sure wasn't complaining, but if he wasn't with him the whole day he would swear that Hyungwon was drunk.

While in reality Hyungwon was drunk in love.

After all of this, they decided to have dinner at the hotel. They got too tired the whole day, it's time for some rest for both of them, especially for Hyungwon since he has been walking the whole time while yesterday he was in the hospital for his knee.

After reaching the hotel they both literally fell on their beds. The ordered some pizza and just sat silently waiting for it, both of them thinking about the day and how amazing it was.

Wonho told Hyungwon to come lay beside him so that they could see the photos he took. While going through them and listening to Wonho talking about them, Hyungwon turned his face to look at him.

Wonho hadn't realized but once he did he turned facing him.

"Thank you for the whole day" Hyungwon whispered, although he had no reason to whisper.

"I like to think of it as a date. But thank you as well." Wonho said in the same volume.

Hyungwon was sick of it. He was sick of his love for Wonho. He was sick of this uncleared situation.

He laied back and sighed.

"Why did you cheat on me Wonho, why did you have to do it?" he asked desperately.


Now look these two chapters were either a flop or the best chapters I've ever written in all my 3 books.
I hope you liked it and that it wasn't confusing.
I don't know when I'll be able to update again because I have several exams but I'll try.
I love you all thanks for everything 💕

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