20 - {Madly In Love}

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Okay so before I start this chapter, I want to say a big thank you to all of you who commented in my last chapter saying that you love this story. It honestly makes me so happy that this story is something that may make you happy or angry or anxious, I just really love the fact that this story can make you feel all this emotions, because through your comments I can feel your support, and let me tell you that for an author and for a person who has written 4 stories, this is the most important thing. So yeah my point is that I love you all. i have probably told y'all that I love you one too many times, but I really do. So yeah, appreciate the rest of the story now,,,,, because theres not much left.


Wonho's POV

I just woke up. I am tired. Like really tired. With pretty much everything. And me forgetting to close the curtains was really stupid because I was woken up by the sun. 

After gettig up and all, I decided to call Changkyun, damn I have really neglected the younger one with all the drama in my life.

"Hoseokkieeeeee" I heard Changkyun yell through the phone and smiled softly.

"How have you been?" I asked Changkyun trying to forget my problems for a little bit.

"OH! I've been great. I moved in with Jooheon because I'm actually pretty sure he is the love of my life. I got fired from the cupcake shop because they caught me eating some of them which is a mood. But I found another job the day after at a tea take away shop." Changkyun told me really happily.

"You softie, first a cupcake shop and now at a tea take away. You're so adorable finding all those cute as hell jobs" I told him, Changkyun tries a lot to come off as a tough person but deep inside he's a big baby.

"Yeah yeah whatever. What about you? How are the things going with Hyungwon, wink wink" HE REALLY SAID WINK WINK HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE HIM.

"Well,,, things aren't going really well. But I prefer not to talk about it. The whole trip ends in 2 days anyway, I'm gonna tell you when we get there." I said and heard Changkyun's hmph.
"I have to go now. Tell Jooheon hi. Bye, love youu"

"Byeee" Changkyun said and ended the call.

Back to silence. I hate silence so much. Especially when I'm alone. As soon as I called the reception to get me something to eat I received a text.


Open the news channel
right now please.

Why would he want me to open the news channel? Why is he even talking to me anyway?

I thought about it for a moment having a small debate in my head whether or not I should open the TV. You know what, I have nothing to lose.

I opened the tv and I saw Hyungwon next to a reporter.

"We have here one of the victims of Kim Soonyoon, Chae Hyungwon, a famous photographer. Please tell us your story mr. Chae" the reporter said moving the microphone in front of Hyungwon's face.

"So two nights before I went to a fashion show in order to take some photos of the models and the clothes. Unfortunately my partner couldn't come with me so I was alone. Soonyoon started talking to me and since we were both from Korea we had some good communication. I thought he was a great person and a great model so why not make a friend. After the show there was a party that everyone would attend. I had no intention to go but I didn't want to come off as rude. We went there with Soonyoon's car but at the last minute we decided not to enter the party and we left for some quiet place, I just wanted to have a chill night and then go back to the hotel I'm staying. We bought some drinks and went up to a hill and we were chatting, then I started getting dizzy, I thought it was because I was light-headed and can't handle alcohol really well. I thought he was drunk too and we somehow ended up having sex(bleeped) , I didn't really understand what was happening and when I woke up in the morning I was shocked and hurt. When Soonyoon woke up he tried to put the blame on him, I guess in order for me not to suspect anything. And last night I came across this news item." Hyungwon said trying not to tear up with the reporter saying that she's sorry for what happened.

A police officer was also there writing down everything Hyungwon said and when he was finished, the camera returned to the main reporter. 

I laid back on my bed devastated. I did the same thing Hyungwon did in the past. I didn't let him explain. But even if he did explain he wouldn't be aware of the fact that he was drugged. I was so so wrong. 

I dialed the reception's number again asking them politely to take my breakfast in the other room. I also went down and found the same friendly old lady behind the reception desk.

"Hii" I saluted the old lady.

"Let me guess. You want to move back in the previous room with your co-worker?" she said smiling.

"Yes" I smiled back at her and after taking this key she kindly gave me the previous one.

As I was leaving I heard her mutter 
"Ah boys in love" and I couldn't help but smile to myself.

Damn right, I am in love.
And now, everything will get fixed.


This story is ending soon so in like 2 or 3 chapters this story will be completed 

Once again, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Byeee 💗💗

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