Goddess of The Earth

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Bai Qian made her way out of the Celestial Heavens more than a little weak kneed.  It had been a very long time since she had cast a seduction spell, but it was the first time she had ever used that one.  Though why she had used it at all, she still wasn't sure, but having felt his attempt to chase her down, she didn't stick around to ponder on it.  

Now on a cloud and heading for home, she thought back to the last time she had thrown a powerful spell, which had not only earned her a spanking, but her father had grounded her for a whole month.  Not only had she committed some trivial crime she couldn't even remember, but she had thrown a charm spell straight at Zhe Yan to still his anger in the hopes that he wouldn't tell her father.

Only the affect on him was so powerful, that both her parents struggled for days to clear him of it.  And that only had her wondering just how much of an affect this spell might have on that man and whether he would now come looking for her.

She hadn't meant to use such a powerful spell, only the longer his face lingered in her mind after he had passed her by, the more she wanted him to not only notice her, but the more her own desire for him became.

He was beautiful and in her world, that meant, there were very few men who stood out physically.  And it was his body she was thinking about when she left the Celestial Heavens with his energy roaring behind her.  Only her barrier kept him at bay and for a while she had seen him on a cloud searching for her, but eventually he gave up and left her in peace.

Only she wasn't at peace, because she too was affected by her own spell.  Of all the silliest things she had ever done, this had to be the worst, because not only had given herself to him but her body was now bound to him.  It may have only been in dreamscape, but it was as real as the physical touch.

And it was the reason why this particular spell was never used.  It was dangerous and as she slowly made her way home, she couldn't help but wonder what on earth had possessed her to use it in the first place.  

And that had her thinking about those eyes.  They were beautiful, magnetic and rich with every tone of brown imaginable.  Yet it wasn't just his eyes that drew her to him.  Despite the gentle peacefulness, there had been an underlying energy of immense power.  Other than her father and Zhe Yan, she had not known that kind of raw power in anyone else, not even her brother, whom she considered very powerful.  

No.  This man was in a league of his own and one she decided to cut loose from her spell the moment she got home.  It wasn't a case of just withdrawing their magic like one could do with lesser spells.  This one needed a second spell to counter the damage she knew she would have caused, and that meant raiding her fathers archives for the one book that held the Nine Tailed Foxes spells which she was not comfortably certain of.

Only, by the time she returned home, her father was in his study with a barrier up, which meant he could be in there for weeks if he was busy with his missives which he only sat down to deal with once every three months.  She only hoped the man wouldn't find her until then, because that spell contained her own energy, one he could more than likely trace.


Returning to Kunlun Mountain, Mo Yuans eyes were near bloodshot.  He had expended a lot of energy searching for his Wind Goddess, and knowing for certain that she was as real as the heat that was still coursing through his body, he knew he was going to have to find her if he was to get out from under her spell.

And he knew now that he was under one, only he had no knowledge of it, he couldn't fight it and nor was he sure if he wanted to.   But the longer he was on his mountain the more uncomfortable he became.  This was the danger of the spell, because the victim would only find release from it, in her arms.

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