God of Wind

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Many many years later.............

Initially, the girls kept both Bai Qian and Mo Yuan very busy as they grew more beautiful every day.  They were identical triplets that shared thier parents features, so one always knew whos children they belonged to.  Their hair was long and black, but their eyes were their mothers.  Large doe like eyes that shone brilliantly when they laughed and narrowed to mere slits when they were angry.  Their lips were rosy red like hers, but more defifned and fuller like their fathers and all three were tall, powerful and beautiful golden dragons like their father, but regardless of their identical appearances, each had their own personalities.  

Peizhi was the quietest of them all, and the most studious.  And being a Disciple of Kunlun Mountain, meant she took her position very seriously.  She was the one who would always be found in the library or the archives filling her mind with every manner of knowledge that she could get her hands on while constantly battling with her father over what was appropriate knowledge and what wasn't because her thirst for knowledge held no bounds.

Qiànrú on the other hand was the laziest of them all and like her mother, she was also the glutton who constantly kept Chang Shan on his feet, because if she wasn't sleeping which she did every chance she got, she was sneaking into the kitchen to steal cookies which were her favourite, or banana bread which she absolutely adored.  And lucky for her, Chang Shan adored her, so always ensured that the cookie jar and bread bins were full, just for her.

Xiu Mei however was the boss of the three.  She organized everything, from their lessons to their outings.  She was also the tattle tale, if either of the other two put a foot wrong, she could be found in her fathers study giving him a full and detailed report on everything from sleeping during lessons, to unfinished chores and even stray hair that had not been tied back emmaculately.  She would also tattle on her mother whenever she slipped off the mountain to escape her fathers amorous attentions and each time, Mo Yuan would fly off the mountain in a swirling stream of heated wind in search of her.

Mo Yuans lustiness for his beautiful fox wife was known to the entire world, and initially Bai Qian was so embarrassed by his open affection and roving eyes that never left her sight whenever they were in the company of others, that she had run back to Qing Qiu to hide, only to be dragged out by her tails and forcefully taken on a cloud where the entire world could hear the roaring as Mo Yuan ecstasy soared across the Heavens.

Eventually, she began to realize that no matter where she escaped to, Mo Yuan would not only find her, but he would take her regardless of who was around so her little escapes became a game in the end as she thought up ingenious places to escape to.  Sometimes he would find her immediately and this was in large part because Xiu Mei would give him a prompt heads up, and other times he would have to search an entire day for her scent before he found her.

Now on a cloud and loving this new game, Mo Yuan came to learn very quickly that his wife was not only exceptionally playful at heart, but she was also very clever.  Some of her hiding places were actually ingenious and had he not known her scent as well as he knew the energy of his own Mountain, he may have struggled to find her.  Because if there was thing that Bai Qian did well, and that was remain hidden until he did find her and with a whole world to hide in, their games became well known to everyone.

In fact, her flaring energy could be seen whenever she made a mad dash off the mountain, and the entire world knew that Mo Yuans raging heat that could seen streaking off Kunlun Mountain like a hurricane out of control, was in pursuit.  Only both Mo Yuan and Bai Qian had no idea that the rest of the world thought that the Mistress of Kunlun was playing a game, in fact they all thought that she really was trying to escape her lusty husband so most would hide whenever he entered their air space so he could not ask them of her whereabouts.  So in effect, they helped her to remain hidden from him much longer.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2019 ⏰

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