God of the Rain

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The Wedding of the War God and his beautiful Queen of Qing Qiu was never going to be the quiet affair that Mo Yuan had wanted and for the final two weeks he had butted heads with her mother over everything from the guest list to the menu.  Initially he had refused to allow meat, however seeing as Kunlun Mountains Master and his Disciples were the only vegetarians, and regardless of it being his own wedding, he was not only overruled and meat added to the menu, but her mother also forbade him from wearing his official Blue Robe that he wore at everyone elses wedding.

"It's just a robe, I'm not marrying my damn robe!" Mo Yuan seethed quietly under his breath as Qing Qius women not only baled him up in his chamber for a proper fitting, but seeing Bai Qian in her after wedding gowns and looking absolutely ravishing, soon had the Qing Qiu girls thrown out of his chamber, and her barely stitched robes torn from her body.

"Mo Yuan, if you don't stop ripping up her gowns, I will have no choice but to take her back to Qing Qiu to protect them.  Control yourself!" The Empress berated him sharply after the third dress was torn off her and Bai Qian taken in a frenzy of lustful madeness.

"Then stop making her look so beautiful." he muttered under his breath as Zhe Yan rushed into her chamber to usher him back out again.

"Mo Yuan, you know what her mothers like.  You may have won the last battle with her, but this wedding is her crowning glory for her daughter, and she will absolutely fight you all the way if you don't behave yourself." Zhe Yan chuckled low though he too was wondering just how long this Mo Yuan would last because he suddenly felt as if he were baby sitting.

He was not the same man since her spell hit, it was as if his entire disposition had changed, but after his talk with Bai Zhi once they had returned to the Den, it seemed as if he might be right in his final assessment.  Love was curious thing, and never more so when he watched Mo Yuan completely lose it whenever that girl was around and even worse when she wasn't.  The man had finally found love, only the way he was acting, was just as cringe worthy as the time he took the spell from him. When it came to Bai Qian, everything that came out of his mouth, bordered on obscene that several times Bai Zhi came very close to punching him.

And that had Zhe Yan playing advocate.  

"Mo Yuan is to be measured and fitted in his chamber, while Xiao Wu is to do the same in her retreat and neither are allowed anywhere near each other until it is over." He gave the order to the Qing Qiu girls who all rolled their eyes at him.

"Will you be with us Lord Zhe Yan?  You know we can't stop him if he wants t leave." one brave soul groaned as her eyes blatantly flicked towards Mo Yuan who was sitting on his bed glaring at them.

"Of course I will be." he replied with a firm look on his face which Mo Yuan purposely avoided.

And so the measurements were finally taken and his wedding robe fitted and as for Bai Qian, her wedding gown was already finished, and seeing as Mo Yuan was not allowed anywhere near her until after the fitting for her after wedding gowns which contained layers and layers of silk and lace, she too was finally ready for the big day.  In fact, it was all the two had to do, everything else was organized by her mother and by the time it came for Bai Qian to leave for her final three days as a single woman, Mo Yuan was firmly given a strong talking to by both Zhe Yan and Bai Zhi.

"You are banned from Qing Qiu until the wedding day.  If I so much as hear that rumble of yours, you will be marrying yourself." Bai Zhi stated firmly as they then led Bai Qian from the Mountain without even a chance to kiss him farewell, knowing that to allow it would see Mo Yuan jumping her all over again.  And so she left to begin her three days of ritual gatherings with her family, friends and elders while Mo Yuan was kept entertained by his Disciples and Zhe Yan, who opted to remain on the mountain to ensure the man allowed her to complete Qing Qius premarital rituals.

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