God of Tornadoes

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For the next few days, Bai Qian slowly began to accustom herself to life on Kunlun Mountain.  As Mo Yuans fiance, his Disciples spent every spare moment they had helping her to learn her way about the mountain which was enormous, what their schedule was and also answering questions about their Shifu that he himself would never answer.

"What kind of punishments does he give you?" she asked the cutest one of them all and the most quietest yet one who never failed to answer any of her questions no matter how personal they were.

"Usually we have to write out scripts from The Tao.  Sometimes we have to hold several volumes above our heads for two hours and other times we might miss out on special outings though Zi Lan is the one who is punished the most out of all of us." Liang replied with a cheeky grin towards the youngest of his Disciples and a boy whose very face outdid even hers in mischievous looks.

Thinking that the punishments were a little harsh considering their young ages, she couldn't help but wonder what kind of mischief would see them holding several heavy volumes above their heads for two hours and that had her turning to Zi Lan, a young boy whose mischievous eyes reminded her of herself when she was that age.

"So what is the worst thing you have ever done?" she asked the sparkling pair of eyes that suddenly lowered in what looked to be shame even though his bottom lip was quivering with mirth.  But if anyone was going to give her an idea of the kind of father he would be for their children, then it would be from his Disciples who knew him best.

Initially they were all a little wary of her when she returned with theirShifu  after his meeting with her father, and none more than Liang who had witnessed first hand the damage caused to Shifus room.  Unable to clean it without help,  he eventually sought out Mo Yuan, which took only  a quick flick of his fingers to get the ice and snow gone and his chamber back to its original state.

Confused and numb and full of a thousand questions, Liang had no idea what to think or even say, and nor did Mo Yuan explain it, but he did hold a meeting with them before he met with her father to explain who she was and what she meant to him, along with his intentions which would see her become their mistress. 

But after a few days in her company, whatever had happened in Shifus chapmber became a thing of the past, because rather than bring a permanent winter to their mountain, she brought summer with her bright sunny smiles and soft gentle ways and the longer they spent in her company, the more they fell in love with her.

"Well, there was this one time when Shifu was training one of his cranes to become a mount seeing as its cultivation was quite high only I thought it would be funny to attach stink berries to its feathers so when Shifu took it for a ride, he was trailing the stench all the way to the Celestial Heavens and because he was moving against the wind, he didn't notice until he landed in the forecourt and right in the middle of the worlds leaders." he giggled and to his utter delight, she also laughed.

"Well I can see why he would have been angry." she admonished him gently. "But that is actually very clever." she laughed merrily at him as her hand playfully patted the top of his head.

"Have you ever pranked anyone?" he asked now sidling closer along with the rest of them, because even though this woman was a Queen and a very powerful one, that she could laugh at thier mischief suggested that all the stories they had heard about her might actually be true.

"I have certainly pulled my fair share." she replied which had this particular boy edging in closer to her.

"Shifu told us that you are pregnant wtih triplets, High Goddess Bai.  I can't imagine three children with the same likeness, but can you imagine triple pranks?" he asked staring at her belly and laughing as if he himself would be the one to teach them.

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