Goddess of Earthquakes

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The process of waking Mo Yuan took longer than Zhe Yan anticipated.   The hit Mo Yuan took from his Phoenix, was not a critical one, but just enough to stun him, only the longer it took to wake him, the more concerned he became.

"If he was not injured enough to cause serious damage, why won't he awaken, his Dragon is more than powerful enough cope with it."  Bai Zhen asked staring down at the man he barely recognized while his sister continued to cry softly at the foot of the bed, now ready to do anything at all if it meant he would be alright.

Leaning forward, Zhe Yans hand lightly tapped on the mans chest while deep in thought.  Physically he had seen better days, but it was his energy that Zhe Yan was concerned about.  It was so unsettled, that it was little wonder he was unable to awaken him, but the longer they left him in that state, the harder it would be to clear him of the spell.

"His Dragon might be more powerful than most, but even his beast has gone through dramatic changes.  He is not coping at all." he said as he turned towards Bai Qian.

"Other than the way he arrived here, was he aggressive with you?  Violent or used force to keep you at his side?" Zhe Yan asked having come to a sudden conclusion as to why he would not awaken or why his energy was so unsettled.

"Yes." she replied without looking at him.

"Then it seems that the moment you cast the spell at the man, his inner Dragon had initially tried to fight it, only to be caught in its web.  Mo Yuan has literally been living off his inner beast these past seven months in order to cope with the spell.  Unfortunately, this has not only forced his dragons characteristics to the fore, but we might struggle to lift the spell, because his Dragon will more than likely fight back to remain under it." he said shaking his head in both awe at the power of this spell and her stupidity for casting it.

"But even worse.  My hit, was too powerful for him to cope with, because his power is fully focused on you.  He literally has no control of his energy, so was unable to deflect my hit and nor can his body cope with it."

A soft sob escaped her.  It made so much sense, and though she couldn't exactly tell them what had happened to her or just how possessive Mo Yuan had become, just the look on her face as she stared back in horror, had both men wondering how to deal with the situation when it was now looking to be more complicated than they first thought.

"The Apex Dragon rules the heart of the man Xiao Wu.  It can be the kindliest and most gentle of beasts and would never hurt its mate unless provoked.  However, if you tried to run, it would see that as betrayal, rejection and abandonment.  And being the most prideful of them all,  he will absolutely fight to keep what he deems to be his.  Only your spell amplified that pride which caused his Dragon to become unstable.  So what you saw, wasn't just his inner Dragon out of control, but only you can bring his energy back into alignment Xiao Wu." he said which neither Bai Qian or her brother understood what he meant by that and the blank looks said as much.


"You unsettled the Dragons heart by forcing him to love you, which is what that spell did.  You need to compensate his heart with your heart." he replied which instantly had Bai Zhen shaking his head in rejection, and Bai Qian still staring blankly in confusion.

"My heart?" she asked still not understanding.

"One drop of your heart blood will bring order to his heart Xiao Wu, and with it, his energy will settle right down.  Only then will we be able to wake him and then lift the spell."

"But the foxes heart blood is a bonding agent.  I will bind him to me for all eternity, it's no better than the spell Zhe Yan.  I would merely be going from one extreme to another." she said shaking her head in refusal.

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