God of the Mist

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The very next day after Mo Yuan had forcefully removed Bai Qian from Qing Qiu, Bai Zhi and The Empress converged on Kunlun Mountain and with Zhe Yan in tow, what they were planning meant no warning could be given.

Having finally learned of the spell that Bai Qian had thrown at Mo Yuan and the great struggle he had gone through before Zhe Yan was able to lift it off him, Bai Zhis anger was through the roof.  And not just because she had used a forbidden Fox Clan spell that was in fact their most destructive of all the seduction spells they owned, but that it was kept from him.  

"Why the hell wasn't I told?" he railed on Zhe Yan the moment he was made aware of it, while his wife sat too stunned to even move.  

"I'm sorry.  I should have said something, only Mo Yuan himself asked that it be kept quiet because he does love her regardless, and I guess he just didn't want to add anymore complications to an already complicated situation." Zhe Yan replied which merely earned him a blank stare which eventually had his eyes lowering, because what else could he say?

This was a part of the long talk they'd had before he had left Bai Zhens mansion for Kunlun Mountain.  Only Bai Zhi knew as well as Zhen Yan did, that he asked for it to be kept quiet in order to save face.  He was embarrassed to have been caught in a spell he should have been able to throw off himself.  That he didn't suggested he was not strong enough which no War God could accept or he had wanted to remain under its spell.  Either way, both were a cause for embarrassment for a War God who had completely lost his mind to it, and even publicly embarrassed himself by destroying large tracts of land while turning the world upside down in his desperate attempt to get her back when she fled.

But that she had thrown it at a man who had sworn an oath to celibacy in order to protect the Realms, only created more complications and one of those was what had Bai Zhi storming onto Kunlun Mountain to not only force Mo Yuan into his meditation cave where he could look him over himself, but the Empress, who was beyond angry, forced Bai Qian into her small retreat for a good talking to.

"Mo Yuan.  If anyone knows this spell, it is me.  I need to check that it was completely removed, becuse though I can see that Zhe Yan has lifted it, what I saw yesterday suggests that some of it might still be lingering, and if this is the case, then I cannot allow this marriage to go ahead, because it is not based on love at all." he said bluntly while Mo Yuan sat glaring at him.

This was what Mo Yuan had been hoping to avoid.  The talk they'd had when Mo Yuan applied for the marriage alliance was far more robust than what any other father would have put him through, in fact, it had become very heated quickly and there was a moment when Mo Yuan thought he might actually have to battle for her, because when it came to marriage, Bai Zhi held such exceptionally high morals.  Love also played a very big part, and if he felt that the love was feigned or in his case spell induced, then he would absolutely cancel the agreement.

"I love Bai Qian and she loves me.  We have already signed and sealed the agreement, you cannot renege on it now unless you have good cause, and I know for a fact, that you don't." Mo Yuan replied angrily and ready to kill him or at the very least, throw him off his mountain if he so much as dared to take her from him now.

And this was all that Bai Zhi needed to see and hear to know that Mo Yuan was still affected, though at first glance, he could not see even a hint of the spell.  In fact, from what he could see, Mo Yuans Dragon was back to slumbering and the man himself showed no visible signs and this had him turning to Zhe Yan who was also with him should they need to force him down onto his dais.

"You said the Bai Zhen played the flute backwards while you chanted the reversal spell?" he asked for clarification.

"That is correct, we did."

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