Goddess of Ice and Snow

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Waking once again in her own bed, Bai Qian began to realize that this nightmare she seemed to be caught up in, might actually continue for some time, because no sooner were her eyes open and her own chamber came into view, then the feeling of rejection once again hit her.  Only this time, she had a much better understanding of it.  

The chase he gave her, was one that made it very clear that he now wanted her to continue chasing him and though she understood why and absolutely wanted to make amends for what she had done to him, she really didn't think that this was the way to go about it.

Of course she would think that, because it was now her body that was undergoing the agony of intense sexual frustration while her mind screamed and cried out in sorrow for the sound of his heartbeat, the taste of his lips and the fire of his seed.   It was an horrendous agony she wouldn't have wished on anyone, then again she was the one who threw him into the deep end, but still, she didn't think she should be forced to suffer too long.  After all, he got just as much enjoyment out of their coupling as she did.

And as she lay in bed wondering how on earth she had known he had been in North rather than Kunlun Mountain, a sudden thought struck her.  She had a very strong suspicion that Mo Yuans Dragon may have marked her.  He had told her she would never get away from no matter where she ran only that brought back the sprites forest.  If he had marked her and that was why she was able to find him so quickly, then why had he not been able to find her?  It wasn't as if she had really run away, she merely wanted to be close to her brother while giving him one final night before the spell was lifted.

"Unless he marked me at that place." she wondered, after all the sprites forest was dense with their higher energy, it could have aided his spell as well as increased her longing and intense feelings of love that she had felt for him.  Then again, the way he had completely lost control of himself, had a profound affect on her.  His pain physically hurt her, she hated so much to see him in that agony, that she wept for him.

Then again, she had also given him her heart blood, so they were bound to each other, but it was not a directional device.  She was bound to him for life, so she would always pine for him, but it wouldn't help her track him, so that had to mean that he had marked her instead so she would always know where to find him.

Thinking to check her body over to see if there were any visible markings, the sudden movement brought on a wave of nausea which instantly had her head falling straight back down onto her pillow.  Breathing through it, the confusion hit her just as strongly as the nausea which only eased the moment she was lying down again.

"Mi Gu." she called out, knowing he wasn't too far away.  Whenever she was in the den, he always made sure he was available should she call and the sound of his footsteps drawing closer said he had been hovering just outside her door.

"Miss Bai, you're finally awake." he said entering with a large jug of water seeing as he thought she had once again hit the wine a little too heavily.

Looking up at him, her eyes narrowed sharply.  

"What do you mean 'finally awake'?  How long have I slept?" she asked as the nausea began to subside and confusion hit her, because it didn't feel as if she had slept all that long.

"Four days Miss Bai.  I was about to fetch High God Zhe Yan.  You arrived at the entrance drunk again only you were mumbling something about your Dragon." he replied curtly and not without a large dose of disdain for the way she seemed to be allowing herself to slip into a life of drunkenness when the Queen of Qing Qiu had far more important things to do.  Like stay home and deal with the mounting scrolls on her writing table.  In fact, he decided there and then, if she came home in that state again, he was going to fetch Zhe Yan regardless because someone had to deal with her.

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