God of War

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Qing Qiu

For the rest of the day, Bai Qian rested.  Zhe Yans magic was particularly powerful this time around and only because he needed to protect the children who were continuously sending out heat waves in their own search for their father.  And because there were three of them, the heat they were producing was particularly painful for him as well as their mother, which in the end saw him having to enter her womb to settle them down with not only a gentle berating, but also a little magic to still the fire.  It would hold for a little while, but without their fathers heart beat close by, they would eventually break out from the barrier he had placed around them.

"They are Golden Apex Dragons Xiao Wu, and connected by blood.  The Apex Dragons, when connected by blood are very possessive of their own and being Heavenly creatures, they cannot bear to be apart from each other for too long.  This is perhaps the reason why Mo Yuans Dragon fought hard to keep you which was worsened by your spell." he informed her calmly as he helped her to lie back down.

"How far am I?" she asked in both awe and trepidation.  It was all very overwhelming, and though she was excited about becoming a mother, she was also a little afraid especially seeing as their father had already shown how very volatile he could be and now that she was carrying his children, she knew he would be even more so.

"A fair way into it.  Six months to be exact, I'm just surprised you never noticed." he replied and even more surprised that Mo Yuan hadn't noticed either otherwise he would have said something when they lifted the spell.

Nodding her head tiredly, she closed her eyes.  Behind her lids it was easier to hide the tears that were welling for a man she was now longer certain of.

"Xaio Wu.  Don't think too long, he will not wait for you or them." Zhe Yan warned her gently even though he really wanted to take her back to Kunlun Mountain to deal with it like a grown up, he could see she was far too conflicted and close to tears, even with her eyes closed.

Standing, he left her resting before leaving her alone with her thoughts.  After all she really did have a lot to think about.  The past eight months would have in many ways seen her mature, but at that moment, what she needed was her mother who had always been the voice of reason and one she would listen to regardless of the fear he could feel coming off her.

Waiting until he was in the main den, he suggested that Bai Zhen fetch her parents home, he had a feeling that the girl was not going to make things easier on herself or Mo Yuan who he planned to talk to now that they had both had the spell lifted and seeing as a change in the air was gathering for them both, the sooner he spoke to the man the sooner they could all move forward.

The tears silently slipped out from under her lashes.  As much as she also wanted to follow Zhe Yan back to Kunlun Mountain she could not help but wonder how much of that mans possessiveness and deep overwhelming love was actually for her.  If it was just the children that had drawn him back to her time and time again, then she could see no problem with him having a very active role in their lives.

Under her spell he had told her time and time again how much he had loved her, he even suggested they marry, yet the moment the spell was lifted, not only was she forced to search for him, but the words of love and adoration were no longer there, in fact he rarely spoke to her at all, it seemed as if the sex was all the Dragon had wanted.

Clutching at her tightening stomach, Bai Qian wept miserably.  He had never loved her at all had he, she silently asked herself.  Zhe Yan had all but spelt it out for her as gently as he could.  He said the Apex Dragons were possessive of their own and he would no doubt come looking for them again, and though she wanted him to be in their lives, she felt she could no longer trust his feelings for her alone.  After all she wasn't one of them and without the spell, she could no longer feel the aching desperate need for his presence either, if anything she felt great loss, a shattering grief and a deep soulful yearning for his companionship, but without the spell, the insane desperate need to destroy in order to get to his body was no longer there.

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