Goddess of Flame

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Rainbow Creek - The Far North

Standing in Bai Zhens study and bouncing on the balls of his feet, Mi Gu waited anxiously for High God Zhe Yan who was busy in herb gardens planting fresh basil and coriander which he used in some of his healing balms.  Though the arrival of the Sprite did give him cause to worry, and no sooner was he made aware of his presence, Zhe Yan magically planted the rest of his herbs which he had been planting by hand, because he loved the feel of the earth running though his fingertips, the peace he got from manually planting seeds only made it that much more enjoyable.

Now seated in the study and looking at the Sprite who always seemed on edge, he wondered if he should perhaps take the boy and give him gardening lessons, it would certainly ease the mans anxiety which was never far from the surface, though looking at him now, he couldn't help but wonder if the girl was somehow responsible for the way he was rhythmically swaying from side to side as if the entire world was about to collapse around him.

Giving him a curt nod of his head, Zhe Yan leaned back and listened as a rush of words suddenly exploded form the mans mouth.

"High God Zhe Yan.  You need to come back to the Den.  Something's wrong with Miss Bai.  She's acting strange." he blurted out in a rush as Zhe Yan remained impassively seated as if he had said something that was nothing unusual.  After all, the Foxes were an odd lot.

"Oh?  How exactly is she acting strange?" he asked as Bai Zhen entered to listen.  Though the way he was looking at Mi Gu, suggested the Sprite was looking far more strange than his sister at that moment.

"For the past two weeks, she has been returning home to the den drunk and unconscious."

Nothing strange Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen thought.....

"And each time she sleeps for four days..."

A blank look....

"And each time she begins to calm down, only to fire up as if she has a high fever...."


"Only this morning, she woke up nauseous and her energy was so unstable I could feel heat coming off her from the den, even though she was on the bridge...."

Sitting a little straighter Zhe Yan stared intently at him.

"Heat?" he asked no longer disinterested.

"Yes High God Zhe Yan.  Her energy was golden coloured but hot, I could feel it from the entrance to the den." he replied now feeling a little happier that the High God was taking him seriously.

Golden energy? he thought to himself with a quick glance in Bai Zhens direction.  

"This energy.  What part of the body was it coming from?" he asked, because as far as he was aware, the Foxes did not have golden energy, and nor was their energy hot.  It definitely gave out warmth but it wasn't strong enough to feel from the dens entrance if she was on the bridge.  

"Her stomach.  Her entire stomach was pulsing a golden energy off her in waves." he replied now feeling more anxious than when he arrived, because the way Zhe Yan suddenly stood along with Bai Zhen, he was now frightened for her safety having left her alone.

"Was she at the den when you left?" he asked.

"Yes.  I left her on the bridge..." he replied as Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen both snatched up their travel robes.

"And how long did it take you to travel here?" they asked.

"Three days."

"Alright.  It's possible she is not there now, so I want you to return and wait.  If she is there, use the Fox Clans whistle to call me." he said as he moved to leave only to stop in front of Bai Zhen.

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