God of Lightening and Thunder

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The wedding preparations were now well under way which saw Celestial maids and Qing Qius women inundating the mountain to take measurements of the Grand Hall, the bed chamber and bed, the outdoor seating area and even the entrance where Bai Qian would enter on her arrival.

Nothing was left to chance, because her mother was overseeing everything, right down to the menu which she happily left with Chang Shan who not only choked on the amount of meat that needed to be cooked, but the sheer size of the guest list that he was expected to cater for.  But that wasn't what was causing alarm for Bai Qian.  Mo Yuan was not happy with the interruption to his classes, his routine and his time alone with his woman who he had to have at least once a day and the closer to their wedding they got, the more frustrated at the lack of privacy he became.

But if he was overwhlemed by it all, she was even more so.  The pregnancy blues were beginning to hit, and though she was kindly in her dealings with the maids and her own Qing Qiu girls, she felt torn between keeping her mother happy, and a husband to be who was not used to sharing her attention.

Many times she had heard his rumble when he couldn't see her, and when he did find her, his presence felt ominous and dangerous.  And each evening, he would take her regardless of the discomfort she was now experiencing, and though she knew that he loved her, and was merely trying to show her just how much, his insatiable libido was overwhelming her.

But always her mind would return to the spell.  If anyone should be feeling overwhelmed, then to her mind, it should have been him, only the triplets were now constantly on the move, her body ached all of the time, and she could never find the perfect comfortable position.  Yet no matter how many times she tried to explain her need for space or at the very least, a lessoning in their love making, the more of her he wanted and the less patience she had.

"Mo Yaun.  Please.  Can we not just cuddle tonight?  I'm sore." she whispered tearfully against his chest as his large hands began to roam her body in the night having finally found a comfortable position.

"I'm sore too." his heavy breath whispered into her ear before his tongue flicked out to swipe at her lobe, only the way she forcefully pushed him back in order to roll her legs up as far she could get them to block him from her body, soon had his low rumble trembling the air as he struggled to get at her.

No matter how hard she fought him off her, the harder he fought back, and though she knew it was a losing battle, she knew a day was fast approaching when she would have to leave and much earlier than arranged because the bodily pleasure that he sought from her every night wasn't just painful, but it was draining her energy.

If he wasn't making love to her in the night, his eyes were stripping her naked in the daytime.  And not even his classes kept his mind off her entirely.  His mind was constantly filled with her, their chidlren, married life, and just her in general.  Though the couple of times she mentioned it to her mother, the way she had shrugged her shoulders as if it were normal, soon had her keeping it to herself, only the resentment began to build.

Now in bed and exhausted, she once again tried her best to fight him off her.

"Mo Yuan.  I'm sore down there.  The children are putting a lot of pressure on my cervix, and so are you each time you enter me." she tried to explain as gently as she could.

"Then I'll be very gentle." he replied as his large hands forced her legs down so he could get his fingers in between them.

"Am I just a hole for you dip yourself into?  You don't care at all that it is becoming painful for me.  You don't care that it hurts Mo Yuan." she cried real tears which he looked confused by because he really didn't understand.

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