Goddess Of Lightening and Thunder

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The morning was well and truly up when Mo Yuan awoke.  Looking out the window he could see the dark clouds gathering overhead and with them came the incessant rain that Mount Jun Ji was known for.  A storm was brewing, he could feel the thunder clouds preparing to unleash their might on the earth below, but he had always loved storms which only seemed to add to the mood he had awoken in.  The storm meant they would spend the entire day indoors, and feeling very amorous, that meant yet another full day of love making ahead.

Three months had passed since her attempt to escape and though Bai Qian looked for every opportunity to flee, Mo Yuan rarely slept.  Being a highly cultivated High God, he did not need it as much as she did and she only needed it because she was a fox.  But even in sleep, he would take her.  As soon as the first stirrings of heat began to rise, he would take her.  It didn't matter where she was or what she was doing, in fact she had no privacy at all save to toilet herself.

It was the only privacy he would allow her, otherwise she was entirely his to do as he pleased.  Sometime he was gentle and other times not so much and there were times when he would leave bruises on her body, but he always took them off here when he was done.

But she always knew when to prepare herself for rough sex because his moods were beginning to fluctuate.  He felt just as trapped as she did but always that one question she would refuse to answer would have his temper and libido rising at the same time.    Several times she had tried to explain the spell to him and why she couldn't lift it without giving her identity away and  why he was so affected, but the anger would return.

He wanted to know who she was because only a High God with immense cultivation and knowledge could have broken through his barrier.  But her entire person was under lock down.  She reined in her cultivation and energy so he could not see her true status.  And this was because of his own high cultivation levels and knowledge.  He could easily bind her energy, he was powerful enough, but he could do nothing if she did it herself.

And she did that because he had burned all of her clothing and removed everything she could use to cover herself, even the beautiful lace tablecloth her clan members had presented her with after she ascended was taken, though she did beg him not to destroy it because it was a precious item that belonged to her family, so she didn't believe he had destroyed it, he only magicked it away.

If he was planning on keeping her a prisoner in her own home, then she would absolutely not give him her identity, because he would then hound her family and possibly turn the den upside down for her which she could not allow to happen and that was because of one little clue to his identity that he let slip.

He had said he would have every single one of his Disciples in the air and searching for her should she manage to get away and because they came from all corners of the world, she would be found eventually.

This immediately told her who he was.  There was only one school in their world with a man as highly cultivated, knowledgeable and powerful as this man and that was the War God.  And suddenly his overwhelming presence and the reason why he was able to break through Zhe Yans barrier made sense.  Of all the men in the world to throw a seduction spell at, she had to choose this one.  His fame and power was unmatched.  He was revered by the entire world and a close friend of her father, one he would absolutely go to the ends of the earth for and if he found out she had thrown this forbidden spell at the most revered God of their world?  Well she would definitely be wishing for death once he was finished with her.

And it was then that she was finally realizing just how serious a mistake she had made and for a while she decided she deserved this mans wrath, but as the weeks passed and the more possessive he became of her, she was fast reaching a point of desperation to end this madness, but he kept such a tight vigil on her, she had yet to find her opportunity to escape again.

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