Goddess Of The Mist

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Bai Qian was still in post orgasm when Mo Yuan snatched her off the rock and fled with her trembling body back to the cabin.  This time he was not letting her go, and no sooner were they inside, then his own enormous shimmering barrier went up behind him.  Very few people in their world had the ability to break through it, and because he thought her to be nothing more than a mischievous Goddess who had no real magical power, seeing as she had allowed herself to be affected by her own spell, she was therefore an immature Goddess who certainly wouldn't have the ability to free herself.

But for added security, Mo Yuan also placed her under a binding spell, one he created himself so he knew with absolute certainty that should she break through his barrier, she would not break his binding spell.  It was a small anklet of energy and one she would not notice in fact she had not felt him place it around her because her body was still trembling when he lay her down on her bed along with himself.

And once again he made love to her.  This time much slower now that the urgency for release had passed.  Through the rest of the day and into the night, Mo Yuan sated himself thoroughly until he was just as exhausted as she was.  Nothing of her body was left untouched, and by the time he allowed her to sleep, every cell in her body was twitching and humming from having been loved so beautifully.  

But not once did her mind falter.  She never forgot who he was or the situation she was in and though she was exhausted, the desire to escape was even stronger now that he knew where her Mortal home was.  And needing to return to the den for the book of spells she forced her body to relax until he too relaxed.  And the moment a light snore began to fill her chamber, she quietly and effortlessly rose from the bed.  

Dressing herself in the dark was never a problem for her, because her fox eyes were as sharp as pins, she could easily make out his features even though no light shone through the open window.  Though going by the thick blanket of mist that was gathered outside, she felt more than confident that she could slip away unseen and no sooner were her clothes on and he was in the deepest part of sleep, she quietly slipped out of the house and straight into the forest.

The mists on Mount Jun Ji were what the Mortals based their myths on.  Not many Mortals stumbled into her side of the mountain, though if they did, her cabin was completely hidden from view by an illusion barrier so all they saw was a sheer cliff face that led to nowhere.  But that did not stop them from taking all kinds of wild stories back to their Realm which only added to the fear they had of Mount Jun Ji which suited her just fine.  

Though the one time she had forgotten to wear an invisibility barrier, she had stumbled on one brave soul who had ventured onto the mountain in the hopes of capturing a snake spirit he had heard about but the moment he saw her, the lechery in his eyes soon turned to astonishment when she turned into a Nine Tailed Fox before disappearing from view.  It was how the stories of the Nine Tailed Foxes were spawned and since that day, she never forgot to disguise herself.

Only now she suddenly found herself facing a barrier that she could literally feel the power of, the wall looked like a giant shimmering sheet of ice, it was truly beautiful.  But even without touching it, she could see that it was exceptionally strong, and though she felt confident enough to break through it, she knew he would instantly feel it.  But desperate to return home to get her hands on that book, she took one look back at the cabin which was some distance away, however she knew he could move just as fast as she could, if she was going to break through, it had to be at full speed.

Taking a deep breath, she then raised both hands, and with as much force as she could muster, she threw out a enormous bolt of energy at his wall and in satisfaction, she watched it shatter and no sooner was she on the move, then she threw up a barrier behind her, one of her strongest that she had ever used while running for her life.  The moment his barrier fell, she heard the deep resonate rumble erupt from the cabin, so she knew he would be on her tail in seconds but with her own barrier up to impeded him, she figured she had a at least a few extra seconds before he broke through it.

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