Goddess of The Ebbing Tide

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For two days and nights, Bai Qian was forced to remain where they were in order to ease Mo Yuan out of the rage he had been forced into.  Taking only a few hours sleep at a time, Bai Qians body literally became his as he fully sated himself until his own body could take no more.

This rage of his, was the worst she had ever seen, and she didn't even think Mo Yuan fully understood what had happened, his only thoughts were on his release.  She was sore and tired, but wanting him to be in as good a frame of mind as he could be before she took him to her brother, she gave him everything he wanted.

The sun was yet to rise, so the blanket of stars above their heads continued to play out as Mo Yuan leisurely dragged little pieces of her flesh into his mouth.  They were resting on his large blue robe as he took his time savouring what he deemed to be his body.

Her hands were in his hair, her legs were spread either side of his large frame and as his tongue pulled a nipple into his mouth, one hand delved between her thighs to lightly pinch and gently stroke her soft moist flower.  

It never ceased to amaze her how sexually active this so called celibate High God was.  His insatiable hunger for her body was undeniably a true marvel, but even her own body amazed her.  No matter how many times they made love, her body never betrayed her, though he was highly skilled, so much so, she began to wonder how he ran the rest of his life.  

From what she knew of him, he was orderly, decisive and in control.  Yet for a War God, he was also surprisingly quiet, he never made waves and he was exceptionally private, so to the rest of the world, he certainly never shared his emotions and in the past seven months, she felt she knew everything there was to know about him.  His gentleness, kindness, softness and eagerness to please.  There were things the rest of the world perhaps had only ever caught a glimpse of because in their eyes he was stoic and detached.

But this man making love to her was not only all of those things, he was dangerous.  As dangerous as the spell she had woven, and for a brief moment she wondered if the power of her spell and the raw power of his energy, were meant to have met .  It seemed fated somehow.  It was a fanciful idea, and she scoffed at it the moment it passed through her mind, because she still felt, that even though they had found mutual affection for each other, she would not be happy until the spell was lifted.  Only then would she know if it was real or not.

Now clinging to his shoulders as he hoisted her entire body up onto his lap, Mo Yuans soft smile almost broke her heart.  There was something in that smile that she would never be able to see without her own emotions bubbling up and overflowing.  That smile was what she absolutely loved the most, it made her feel special, desired and beautiful and as he lifted her onto his rock hard rod, she slid down with a smile of her own plastered to her face.

Leaning back on his hands, while she leaned back to clasp his knees,  Mo Yuan thrust up.  His mind was solely on her beauty, and having almost expended his energy and anger in order to bring himself back into some kind of control, he couldn't help notice the sadness in her soft smile.  To Mo Yuans eyes, not even the stars could dim the underlying heartbreak he could feel coming off her in waves.

Like the ebbing of the tides.  He felt her slipping away.  The heat of their passion drove him to claim her back from where her mind was taking her, and as his body fired below her, he succeeded for a while, only to lose her again as her thoughts of losing him dulled what she thought would be their final night together.

A single tear trickled over the soft rise of her cheek.  Mesmerized by it, Mo Yuans body tried to force her peak to drown out that single tear and the thoughts that spawned it, only she seemed to slip away again.

Dragging her into his arms, he held onto her tightly as his lower half continued to thrust up.

"I will never let you go." he whispered into her ear as his hands took full ownership of her breasts.  Gently rolling the nipples between his fingers, his head lowered to suckle her lips into his mouth while his aching shaft forced her to the edge.

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