Goddess Of The Sun

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Nestled in his arms, Mo Yuan held onto her for as long as it took for her to calm right down.  Her body was shaking heavily and though she was not in the spell as deeply as he had been, it was enough for her to also lose all reason.  He made love to her gently and slowly yet all the while he marvelled at her loveliness as well as his reactions to her.  

She was so beautiful, he honestly couldn't remember a time when he had ever met a woman as lovely as her and now that he knew exactly who she was, he could fully understand why her father had protected her and kept her hidden for a day when the right husband for her came along, because a woman of her ranking and loveliness was worthy of an exceptionally high marriage alliance.

But even so, he could remember every detail of their time together and his own reactions to her.  The power of the spell was astonishing.  It was so powerful that even then he could still feel a part of it lingering as Zhe Yan suggested it might.   But he was no weak male.  Anyone less would have suffered an even worse fate, yet he had crumbled beneath her as if he were some mere sapling who was experiencing the pleasures of the flesh for the first time

That he had not been able to free himself from the spell at the very beginning suggested that something within his Dragon had clung to it.  He had known he was under its influence the moment she fled the Lotus Pond, so it was at that stage that he should have begun fighting it, in fact had he fought against it immediately instead of chasing after her, he would absolutely have been able to release himself.

Only the spell took hold of the heart the longer one remained under its influence, but what surprised him more was his own Dragon.  His heart wasn't hard as everyone assumed it to be, he felt pain and loved like everyone else, only he had much better control over his emotions, in fact for centuries he had worked tirelessly on his Dragons heart to keep it under control.  And so for centuries he had. 

Only it seemed as if his Dragon this time had fallen well and truly under her spell and in love with her  But had it been the spell, he wondered as his lips slowly dragged up her inner thighs.  Nibbling and sucking on the tender flesh, his mind continued to dwell on himself.

The agony his Dragon had gone through was horrendous and he wouldn't have wished that level of pain on anyone yet what was so surprising was how every emotion he thought he had tightly clamped down on, gave way one after the other.  He was a naturally passionate man, one who could love deeply, but the insanity of his passion and love while under that spell was what he had been dwelling on since his return.

He was embarrassed by it, because not only had Zhe Yan witnessed a part of himself he would never have shown him, he had literally given everything of himself to her, that he had not given to anyone else and that had him wondering if his Dragons heart had perhaps grown restless and even bored having been forced into deep slumber when its natural passionate heart wanted release.   Mo Yuan had thought, that by creating a non emotional state of being in order to remain in complete control of himself and his Dragon, it would increase his ability to govern over every part of his life without the hindrance of the emotions like everyone else.  It was how he became the War God.

And as his tongue swiped straight up the centre of her clit before slowly rolling back down towards her opening, his inner Dragons Heart rumbled low.  It was as if his inner Dragons heart had latched onto a forbidden desire he himself had denied it for centuries and was now making it very clear that it did not want to be put back to sleep.  In her arms, between her legs, being loved by her heart and thought of constantly by her mind, was what his Dragon had craved for all that time, and it seemed as if he might struggle yet again to get his Dragon back in control.

But as his tongue delved deeper into her tightening inner walls, Mo Yuans mind continued to analyse what it was he was actually feeling.  The sex was amazing, she was beautiful beyond all reason and she was a woman who was kind hearted and generous of her time and efforts, so in effect, she was the ideal mate for him and his Dragon,  but he couldn't help but wonder what his Dragon would actually do if he tried to force it to return to a state of rest.  

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