God of the Earth

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One year had passed and in that time, Bai Qians life had changed so much that many times she was left wondering how the man would manage without the love making when she finally put a stop to it the closer she got to giving birth.  Though Mo Yuan had many ways of reaching satisfaction without the need to enter her which was becoming more and more painful as time drew nearer.

"But I am honouring your beautiful pregnant body my dear.  How else can I offer you the only gift I have to give if you won't let me near you?" he whimpered into her hair when she tried to pull away.

"But Mo Yuan, we don't need to be making love for me to know that you honour me.  Just being my husband is enough." she replied for the umpteenth time.

"Then let me play with you like this...." he whined as he grabbed at a swollen breasts and rolled the enlarged nipple gently between finger and thumb.

"Mo Yuan... please!" she squealed between a giggle and genuine alarm.  They had already made love twice that morning and she really was tired of it and him, but knowing how persistant he could be when it came to his form of loving, her hand raised to cup his face lovingly before kissing his lips which he arduously returned.

Then pulling back before he got too heated, she tried to rise only to be gently forced back down, and with one hand behind and gripping her hip to keep her there, Mo Yuans other hand shot between her legs and her panties dragged to the side before she could escape and being heavily pregnant, meant she was much slower so couldn't get away from him even though she wanted to.

"Mo Yuan!  Listen to me.  I am tired, I need a break....." she cried out in alarm as his deft fingers gathered around her nub and began to gently caress her already moist womanly folds.

"Please darling, let me love you a little longer....." he pleaded with large moist eyes he could turn on like a tap if it meant he would get his way.

Staring straight into those eyes that always had a habit of melting her knees and turning them to jelly,  only intensified her resolve not to give in this time. She was so close to giving birth and though she loved to make love to him on a regular basis, his need for bodily pleasure all of the time, was wearing very thin and before those hot demanding fingers could delve into her inner walls, she cloud jumped out of his arms.

Using magic while heavily pregnant was not advised because it only weakened her more, but she was fed up, sore, tired and ready to disappear to Qing Qiu if he didn't give her the break she desperately needed.

Only he had felt the flicker of her energy just seconds before she tried to flee and he too was out of bed and blocking the door, though he didn't raise a barrier as it would have hit her, but he did snatch her back into his arms before trying his best to drag her back to bed.

"Enough!  I mean it Mo Yuan.  I need a break, I am too sore, and if you continue to smother me, I will leave for Qing Qiu." she screamed at him before bursting into tears.

His hands gathered her into his arms and though her enormous belly was a hindrance to getting even closer to where he wanted to be, it didn't stop him from turning her around so that his near exploding erection was pushed up tightly against her bottom.

"Qian Qian, I'm sorry my love.  I just want to show you how much I love you." he whispered into her ear while holding back from entering her which he could so easily have done seeing as she was slightly bent at the waist.

"Mo Yuan..............." she gasped as an unexpected sharp pain suddenly flared across her lower abdomen.

Unable to see the pained expression, he mistook the soft rasp for arousal which instantly had his head lowering to her neck to nibble at the soft flesh that had a perpetual taste of peach blossom, a flavour he would never tire of.

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