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I woke up this morning with a smile on my face. I wouldn't say I'm a morning person, but something about today just makes me want to smile.

I jumped out of bed and made my way to the bathroom, whilst rubbing my eyes gently, and yawning. I brushed my teeth and turned on the shower. I checked the temperature, making sure it was correct, before stripping of my clothing and hopping in the shower. I did my thang, and when I was done, I turned the shower off and securely wrapped the towel around my chest. I strolled into my room, and placed on my underwear. I then got out my everyday outfit, black skinny jeans and a band tee, today it happened to be Blink-182, and then my black vans. I blow dried my hair, thanking The Lord for my naturally straight hair, and started with my makeup. I don't wear much makeup, as I don't see the need to wear it, so I just put liquid liner on the top lid, and used my eyeliner pencil on my waterline, then with a swipe of mascara, I was ready to go. I grabbed my keys and my bag, and opened the front door, just as Joe was about to open it. Joe is my best friend, and has been since we was 5. We've basically been inseparable since we met. He drives me to school everyday, because i haven't got my license yet. We're both in our last year of sixth form! So yeah, he just let's himself into my humble abode.

"Hey bitchface"

"Sup Shithead"

I'm bitchface, and he is shithead, there is a story behind these names, but that story is one to be told another day. We climbed into his car.

I know you might be thinking something along the lines of "every girl/boy best friends always end up falling in love!"

First of all, no.

Second of all, I don't believe in love.

Third of all, Joe is gay.

So even if I wanted to, just no. I wouldn't want to though, because I grew up with him, he's literally my brother.

"Bitchface. HEY ALEX!" Joe exclaimed, snapping his fingers in front of me face.

"I'm in ye car, broom broom" I said, smirking.

"Get out me car." He retorted.

"Awrr." I pouted, and we both laughed, as we stepped out of the car.

We stalked our way through the school and towards our lockers.

Suddenly my back hit the lockers, and there was a large hand on my shoulder, and another next to my head.

"Now, now princess, what are you doing still hanging around with the gay prick, when you could be with me?" The schools popular boy, Dean Edwards said to me, smirking in a way I guess he thought, let me repeat THOUGHT, was attractive, when in reality it was as grotesque as his personality.

"Don't talk to me" was my reply, as I pushed him off and strutted to my tutor room. I can hear a couple of laughs from bystanders, and quietly chuckled to myself, before entering the room. "Good morning Mr Dunt." I smiled politely at my Tutor, to which I got a curt nod as a reply. I took that as my chance to sit down, alone of course, Joe wasn't in my tutor, and therefore, I was alone.

Throughout the day I got a couple of nods or smiles in my direction, which was quite unusual, considering I'm not exactly liked in this school. I guess it had to be to do with how I treated Dean this morning. Of course I returned it, if I'm given love, I'll return the love.

At the end of the day, I found myself returning to my locker to collect my bag, and then walking out to Joes car, finding him leaning up against it.

"What's up" I smiled at him.

"Chicken butt!"

"What? Why?" I replied, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Bogey pie" he said whilst crossing his eyes and sticking out his tongue.

I couldn't help but erupt in laughter at his childish humour, which apparently I shared.

Joe dropped me off at my house, waving goodbye, I noticed my parents' cars both in the driveway, I furrowed my eyebrows for the second time today. I got my keys out my bag, opening the door, locking it again behind me. "Mum? Dad?"

"In hear sweetheart!" I heard my mothers sickly sweet voice coming from the living room, so that's where I headed. I'm getting quite nervous actually, butterflies in my stomach, I bet you're wondering why? Well I hardly see my parents at all. They're always away on business trips, and when they aren't on a trip, they're at work. I swear to god they work 24/7, I never see them! So can you understand why I'm nervous?

I opened the living room door, and saw my mother, Jessica Stacey, and my father, Daniel Stacey, both sitting on the edge of the dark coloured leather sofa. Both of their faces are carrying small smiles, that almost looked like grimaces.

"Honey why don't you take a seat, we need to tell you something important. Now before we tell you, I want you to remember that this is for the best okay?" Oh no, are they getting a divorce? I've not heard them fighting...of course I haven't they're never here. Oh god they're getting a divorce.

"Tell me then!" I exclaimed, standing up from my sitting position.

"We're moving to Australia."

A/N: hey guys! This is my first story on Wattpad, which would explain why it's pretty awful, but I'm just trying to get the swing of things :) thankyou for reading! Comment if you like it!


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