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"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"


*Alex's Point Of View*

Oh my god. I forgot Luke and I were holding hands. I tried to pull away, but he held on to my hands tighter.

"Uh, hey guys" I spoke shyly.

"Enough chit chat, what's with the hand holding." God Michael, why so demanding. Luke had muttered something under his breath, that I didn't hear, but apparently, Michael did, as the smirk he wore grew on his face. "What was that Lukey?" Luke sighed.

"I said I wanted to hold her hand,okay?" His face flushed, as well as my own. I squeezed his hand in reassurance, and smiled up at him, as he smiled down. Everybody started their own conversations. Calum, Mikey and Luke were conversing, Katie and Amy were talking, so I made my way over to Ashton. He smiled.

"Why are there so many rips In your shirt?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Because I want them there?" He asked more like a question then a statement.

"But it's a top. It's meant to cover you."

"Girls wear crop tops, they don't cover you, what if I criticised you on your shirt right now."

"Then you'd also be making fun of Luke. And crop tops aren't the same as ripping your shirt to shreds." He shrugged.

"I just like it"

"I DONT UNDERSTAND THOUGH, ASH YOUR CLOTHES LOOK LIKE YOU HAVE BEEN ATTACKED BY A BEAR!" I said a little louder, causing the attention of the others as they turned their heads to look at us, seeming to be stifling their amusement.

"BUT I LIKE IT I JUST LIKE IT!" He said back. "LUKE WANTS TO FUCK YOU." He screamed before running upstairs, his giggles were all over the place. Everybody except Luke and I, burst out laughing. I was frozen on the spot, both of us bright red on the face, when Luke ran upstairs after Ashton. Well that was fun.

Luke and Ashton eventually re-entered, about 10 minutes later, when I got eye contact with Luke, we both turned red, again. That seem to be all I do around him, turn red and get these feelings. Well, at least I think they're feelings. I've never had a boyfriend, or even really felt attracted to a boy, other than Dan Howell, but I mean, everybody, and I mean, everybody, has feelings for Dan Howell, aka, Danisnotonfire. He's just, perfection in a bowl. Well, he's not in a bowl, but if he was, I tell you that bowl would be full of perfection.

Ashton had actually changed shirts, into one I'm presuming is Luke's, as it had no holes in. This amuses me a little, and I had to stifle my laugh, Ashton shot me a fake glare before he started laughing. God his laugh is just infectious, we all found ourselves laughing, and over what? Nothing.

I could get use to these peoples.

I felt my iPhone vibrating, so I excused myself and stood in the hall. It was a FaceTime from Joe!


"I'm sorry, I was making friendship!" I replied holding one of my hands near my face.

"Oh okay, you go Glenn coco! Let's start afresh. Hey BitchFace how's Australia?" His mood changed like a snap of the fingers.

"It's hot, but alright thanks ShitHead! The house is beautiful."

"Show me show me show me!"

"I can't, I'm at my friends house at the moment, I will later though, I promise." Joe nodded.

"Okay, well don't let me keep you! Message me later babe, lub chu" he made a kissy face.

"Lub chu too." I hung up the phone, placing it in my pocket, and walked bak in the living room to see them all in silence again, staring at me. Luke looked at me, with something in his eyes, that I can't quite place. But he shook his head and walked past me.

What did I do?


A/N: hey guys, this is just a filler, sorry! But thank you for reading, it means so much☺️


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