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"Yeah, I think you're beautiful."


*Luke's Point Of View*

I hope she doesn't think that I'm creepy for saying that to her, after all, we did just meet. She was smiling though, so I guess I did alright. So her name is Alex, it suits her well.

We are still walking towards the pizzeria, in fact I can see it now. She pointed to it, a large grin on her face, u laughed and nodded to her. Shortly after, we was walking in, I held open the door for her, like the true gentleman I was brought up to be. Alex smiled at the gesture, which made me feel warm inside. We sat at a booth, an ordered straight away, Alex had a margarita cheese pizza, I had pepperoni. After the waiter left, I looked at Alex, seeing her already looking at me.

"So what shall we do whilst we wait?" She asked me, her big, green eyes sparkling.

"I was thinking we could ask each other questions, get to know one another?" She nodded. "So, uh, what's your favourite band?"

She grinned, "All Time Low, what's your favourite ice-cream flavour?"

"Cookies and cream." I smiled at her.


We carried on playing the game, and I found out, we have so much in common. We like the same bands, obviously we have the same clothing taste, as we're both wearing nirvana shirts, black skinny jeans and vans.

Her full name is Alexandra Charlotte Stacey, she is 17, and 18 on October 15th. So she's a little bit younger. While I was thinking about Alex, I noticed a little old lady waddled over to us;alongside a girl who couldn't be older than ten.

"You two are an adorable couple. You're even wearing matching clothes, how cute." Alex's face flushed.

"Thank you" I spoke confidently, grabbing Alex's hand. The old woman smiled and then leaned down to whisper something in Alex's ear, which caused her to burn bright like a red Poppy. Alex whispered something back, then looked me dead in the eyes.

"Well I best be going. It was lovely to meet the cute couple!" She hobble away with the girl, and left us alone. I studied Alex's features. She's so stunning, it's indescribable, I hardly even know her, but you don't need to know her to know she's beautiful.

"What did that woman say to you?" I spoke with a gentle smile on my face.

"Nothing!" She replied quickly.

"Come on, tell me pleaseeee?" I badgered.


This mini argument/joke went on for about five minutes. Me asking what the woman and her had spoke about, and her telling me it was nothing, and not to worry. But I won, and she caved in.

"Ugh fine, she told me that you're a keeper."

"And you said...?" She took a deep breath.

"ThatIKnowYouAreAndThatIWouldn'tLetYouGo." She looked down at her lap.

"Can you, uh, repeat that please, at a slower pace?"

"I said that I know you are and that I wouldn't let you go." Saying I was shocked would be an extreme understatement. She looked at her lap again, and before I had the chance to reply to her, the waiter had come back with our pizzas, so we thanked him and dug in. I'm happy that she's comfortable enough to eat around me, a lot of girls wouldn't, due to their insecurities.

It wasn't long before I had finished my pizza, and Alex hadn't finished her fifth slice, before saying, and I quote, "I feel as if someone has shoved slices of pizza down my throat." I smirked and replied, "yeah, that was you." Which caused us to start laughing.

We called someone over to get a box for her left over pizza. I payed, obviously. Alex tried to pay, but I won. We walked out of the pizzeria, and I noticed how close we was standing. Our arms only millimetres apart. So I took the risk, and grabbed her hand, intertwining out fingers together. I looked at her face to see if this was okay with her, and I saw her looking at our hands with a little grin on her face. Before I knew it, we were standing in between and in front of our two houses.

"Would you like to come inside mine? The boys and girls are over?" I asked. My shyness was seeping through and it's embarrassing, if I'm honest. But she nodded, so it didn't fail. We walked inside my house, and headed towards the living room, as that's where all of the noise was coming from. As soon as we entered, the sound quickly quietened down to a silence. It was a tiny bit awkward as they all smirked looking at our hands. Mikey spoke up.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

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