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"Hi." I timidly spoke.


I looked beyond the boy who's balcony touches my own, and looked at the rest of the group that was there. There was a boy with bright Rihanna red hair, who Amy ran over to, so I assume this is the boyfriend she briefly mentioned. I looked next to him and saw a curly hair boy wearing a bandana, and under his arm was a pretty long haired girl, also wearing a bandana, they look like a cute couple. There was one more person, he has soft brown eyes, and tan skin. They're such a beautiful bunch of people. This fact made me look at my shoes in insecurity.

"This is Michael," Amy introduced. "He's my boyfriend." The boy, Michael, pulled me into a side hug, not letting go of Amy's hand, aw that's cute.

"Hello!" He spoke loudly, and smiled. With the hand that wasn't holding Amy's, he grabbed the end of his jumper sleeve, which was obviously too long for his arm. He looked like a kitten. I smiled shortly and waved at him.

"Hi I'm Ashton, but call me ash!" He smiled, which I returned. "This is my beautiful girlfriend Katie." They looked at each other adoringly.

"You're so pretty! Hello, I'm Katie" they both pulled me into one hug. I blushed bright red at her compliment.

"Thank you, so much, but Amy and yourself are the pretty ones here." I said looking at the ground.

Without another sound I got engulfed into a hug, from someone else in the group. "My names Calum, you can call me Cal, but I'd like to call you, anytime" he winked at me. Once again I blushed red, but couldn't help laughing. Was he flirting with me? Hm, he was cute. Calum stepped back and the last person stepped forward, hugging me.

"Hello, I'm Luke" the blonde haired beauty told me quietly. He seems shy, it's adorable.

"I'm Alex." I replied just as quietly looking up into his deep blue orbs. I heard him chuckle again.

"I know, love, Amy introduced you, remember?" I went bright red again, holy shit they need to stop making me blush. I didn't realise how close we was standing until I heard a cough come from one of the boys, and smirks upon all of their faces. This only made my face flush even more. "So, uh, Amy, how did you meet the lovely Alex, here?". Amy started giggling again just thinking of what had happened only ten minutes before.

"I was on my phone, and Alex wasn't looking where she was going and we collided, sending us both to the floor." Erupting into giggles again, the whole group laughed, I just burned red.

"Um, I hate to be a nuisance, but do any of you know if they sell paint here?" I was nervous, so I was speaking quietly. I don't think any of them heard me, so I looked down. I noticed hands on my chin, lifting my head up, it guided me towards Luke's face, leading me to believe they were his hands.

"Yes they do." He answered my question. I muttered a quick "thanks" and started heading off in a random direction, only to be pulled back by, you guessed it, luke. "But you're going in the completely wrong direction, there's only one direction to get there, I'll show you, if that's alright?" I blushed at the thought of him being nice to me. I nodded. "Hey guys, I'm going to show Alex where the paint is, I'll catch up with you lot at mine, alright?" He spoke louder and clearer this time.

One of the boys wolf whistled.

"Excuse me, but you are in a shop, not a zoo, now if you want to act like animals I suggest you leave." Shouted an angry worker. Ashton apologised, and said he and Katie would meet them back at the house, so I guess it was him that whistled. Once the worker left, we all started laughing.

Luke took my hand, causing me to feel something in my stomach. In a way it felt like I had just been punched. I doubt this is what butterflies are, because if it is, why do people enjoy them? Anyway, he led me towards where I'm assuming the paint is, and asked me what kind of paint I was looking for. I replied with "chalk paint" and got a curt nod from him. We found the paint, I payed, and we left the shop.

"There is a pizza place around the corner if you'd lik-" he started.

"Where's the pizza?!" I exclaimed, causing Luke to chuckle.

"There is a pizza place around the corner if you'd like to go with me? We can get to know each other?" He seemed nervous, I wonder why?

"That sounds delightful." I smiled at him. It was only then that I realised, Luke and I were still holding hands. I looked down at our hands and blushed. Luke seemed to notice what I was looking at, and blushed. Huh, so that's what a blushing boy looks like, hm, not bad, not bad.

Oh Alex you sound like such a weirdo, stop watching him and concentrate on walking before you fall again.

Ay, ay, captain! I mentally saluted.

Luke just randomly started laughing, so I looked up at him,(yes looked up, I stand at just below his shoulder.) and had a confused look on my face.

"Why the hell did you just salute to nothing, with a cute smile on your face?" Luke asked, erupting into laughter again probably thinking about it.

"Well I was just thinki-wait, you think my smile is cute?" I had just processed what he had said, and burned bright red, again. It's all i seem to be doing around him. Luke just smiled.

"Yeah, I think you're beautiful."

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