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His lips were pressed against mine.


Luke had picked me up and placed me gently on the counter without our lips parting. The kiss was soft, and gentle, and it made me feel warmth in the pit of my stomach. My legs had wrapped around his torso, my arms around his neck. Luke had one hand cupping my face, and the other around my waist(A/N: rhymed, lol). We continued on like this for a few minutes. It wasn't heated, and it wasn't forceful, it was everything I wanted. I pulled away slightly when I heard a wolf whistle from behind Luke. I looked slightly to the left of his head, neither of us moving our arms(or legs in my case too), Luke didn't even move his head, he just stayed staring at me. I saw Jack, Luke's brother standing there, smirking at the two of us.

"So, care to explain what's going on here." You could hear the smirk in Jack's voice.I moved my head back and rested it against Luke's forehead.

"We were washing up." Luke replied simply.

"Yeah, you WERE washing up, but I think you got a little bit distracted, am I right?" I tightened my grip on Luke, I just wanted to keep him close.

"We're going upstairs. Bye." Luke picked me up with ease, but he didn't drop me anywhere this time, he started carrying me to the stairs, walking up them.

"USE PROTECTION!" Jack shouted once Luke and I were in his room. We had both sat down on his bed, I was just looking at his room again, it seems to captivate me each time I come inside this glorious room of his. Without knocking, my father had ran into the room.

"You better not be having sex with my daughter young man or I swear to god ill ki-" he started inching closer to Luke, pointing a finger at him.

"Woah sir, calm down, I would never-I wouldn't do that to your daughter. I respect her way more than that." Luke replied calmly.

"You've just met her, how the hell do you respect her?!" My father wasn't helping at all, he was being quite embarrassing actually.

"She's a woman. All women deserve to be treated with respect." Luke was handling the situation pretty well though, he was being screamed at by my father, yet he hadn't raised his voice in return.

"I've got my eye on you." My father did the weird two fingers to his eyes, two fingers pointed at Luke thing, as he was backing out of the room. He glared at me and left.

"Uh, I'm sorry about that." I said, hanging my head in what could be shame. I felt two fingers lift my chin up, causing me to be looking at Luke(not that I was complaining, I mean, who would complain about being in this moment).

"Don't worry about it beautiful, it wasn't your fault." He smiled softly at me, before I pressed a short, soft kiss onto his lips.

Luke and I sat in his room talking, and occasionally stealing mini kisses from each other for about an hour, before my family had to leave. Luke hugged my tightly, and pressed a soft kiss to my temple, before we walked down stairs.

"Thank you for having us over for dinner. It was delicious." I smiled at Liz and she smiled warmly back at me.

"Anytime dear, you are always welcome." We left the house and made the two second walk to our own house. I went upstairs straight away.

I miss Joe. I got my phone and started FaceTiming Joe. I held the phone up so my face could be seen on the screen. It soon said connecting and not long after, I could see my best friends face.

"Hey FuckFace."

"Hey ShitHead" we were both grinning like a Cheshire Cat. "I miss you so much Joe." A stray tear had fallen out my eye.

"I miss you too, but you need to think of this as an opportunity! Not something that's ruining your life, I mean you moved to Australia, from England. That's a pretty brilliant thing to be able to do." Joe was speaking sense, and I understand what he's saying too, I should be happy about being in Australia, it's not like I'll never see Joe again, he could come over when it's summer, and spend the summer down here! Yeah, I'll speak to my parents about it another time. Joe and I continued to speak for hours on end, i really missed this boy so much.

Joe told me he had a boyfriend too! I need to meet him! Next time we FaceTime, he's going to let me meet him. His name is Tyler. I want to ship them as Toe, but I know they won't appreciate that, so if I like Tyler, I'll ship them as Jyler. Cute right? Joe and I said our goodbyes, promising to speak tomorrow at some point, even though, as I'm in Australia, I technically live in the day ahead of Joe, cool. But as the time difference was so large, it was 11pm over here, I should've asked what time it was in England, but I forgot.

I pulled off my jeans and my shirt, as I was about to get changed, and ready for bed. I turned around, facing the balcony, when I heard a gasp.

Shit, I didn't close the balcony curtains.


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